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Mar. 30. brite and fair, went out with Potter Gorham. saw some toads 2 robins and a blewbird. gosh it makes a feller feel good to see birds and toads and live things. Mar. 31. April fool day tomorrow. i am laying for Beany. old Francis licked 5 fellers today becaus they sung rong when we was singing speek kindly it is better far to rule by luv than feer.

"I'm glad I show some'n'," he grinned, struggling back into his old sardonic mood. "I 'lowed I'd got too hardened to feer man, God, ha'nt, ur devil. Well, I don't keer overly much about havin' a crazy creetur' so nigh me, an' I ain't a-goin' to, ef I kin see any way out of it. We ain't a thousand miles from the State asylum." Mrs. Slogan moved noiselessly as she unfolded the cloth and spread it.

For how would you know that Fhir a bhata, na horo eile is pronounced Feer a vahta na horo ailya?" "And perhaps, then," said she, with a charming smile, "writing it down would spoil it altogether? But you will ask them to sing it for me." He said a word or two in the Gaelic to Sandy, who was rowing stroke; and Sandy answered with a short, quick laugh of assent.

"you have this Information Without feer of any of above statements Being Denide "I remain Resptfully Hamilton laughed as he returned the letter to the supervisor, who had just come back with his hat and gloves as the boy finished reading the epistle. "I don't think I need have been afraid of any of those three as rivals," he said, "that is, if our friend is right.

I don't mind the blow, sur not I. It wor gov'n in feer fight, an' I was wrang." "I'm glad to find that you view the matter in that light," said Oliver with a smile, "and, truly, the blow was given in self-defence by one who will never forget that he owes you his life."

Sore is my heart and bent my stubborn pride, With Lijah and with Lisha am I tied, My soul recoyles like Cora Doctor's Wife, Like her I feer I cannot bare this life. I am going to try for the speling prize but fear I cannot get it. I would not care but wrong speling looks dreadful in poetry.

father said they was a lot of old fellows traveling round the country and talking that way who coodent have been drug into the war with a ox chane. then he stood on the other leg a while and said, it is peculiarly aproprate that Exeter, the berth place of Lewis Cas, the educater of Webster, the home of Amos Tuck, of General Marston shood be fourmost in the party strife, and as for me i wirk only for my partys good, my countrys good, without feer or hope of reward. they was a lot more to it, and some of it you cood hear about a mile he hollered so.

It was addressed, in handwriting not so bad as I had expected, to "Paul Kelver, Esquire." I opened it and read: "Dr mr. Paul I herd as how you was took hill hafter the party. I feer you are not strong. You must not work so hard or you will be hill and then I shall be very cros with you. I hop you are well now. If so I am going for a wark and you may come with me if you are good. With much love.

Sore is my heart and bent my stubborn pride, With Lijah and with Lisha am I tied, My soul recoyles like Cora Doctor's Wife, Like her I feer I cannot bare this life. I am going to try for the speling prize but fear I cannot get it. I would not care but wrong speling looks dreadful in poetry.