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It was occupied by the Romans, and in aftertimes it was either a royal residence or a royal demesne, so early as the union of the Saxon Heptarchy; for there is a record extant of a council held there in 838, at which Egbert, the first king of all England, and his son Athelwolf were present; and in this record it is styled Kyningenstum famosa ilia locus.

There is a small engraving by Bonasoni, in a series of the Life of the Virgin, apparently after Parmigiano, in which the apostles bear her on their shoulders over rocky ground, and appear to be descending into the Valley of Jehoshaphat: underneath are these lines: "Portan gli uomini santi in su le spalle Al Sepolcro il corpo di Maria Di Josaphat nella famosa valle."

Questa e la famosa casa del gran pittore, l'immortale Tiziano, suoni, signore!" This is the famous house of the great painter, the immortal Titian. We retired amid the scorn of the populace.

'Si, signore. 'And why, may I ask, should an intelligent American family be living in Valedolmo? 'I do not know, signore. I have heard ze Signor Papa's healf was no good, and ze doctors in Americk' zay say to heem, "You need change, to breave ze beautiful climate of Italia." And he say, "All right, I go to Valedolmo." It is small, signore, but ver' famosa. Oh, yes, molto famosa.

Est autem et ibi ciuitas Landania, de qua nonnulli dicunt quod Noe illam fundauerat, et ciuitas magna Hany, in qua tempore Christianorum mille habebantur Ecclesiae. In illa Armenia sub Imperio Persiae est famosa ciuitas Tauris, vbi de mercimonijs ponderalibus fit inestimabilis mercatura.

Probably an ardent Kingstonian would indignantly disown the impression our three words are apt to give of the place. It is a rapidly growing town, and "Egbert, the first king of all England," who held a council at "Kyningestun, famosa ilia locus," in 838, would be at a loss to find his way through its streets could he revisit it. It has the population of a Saxon county.