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"There, now," she sighed, "I wish the earth wouldn't breave so hard!" Then she went into the parlor, like a little gray cloud. "O, dear; I don't like this house, 'cause it's got a top to it! Wish I was somewhere else!" "Poor child," said Colonel Allen, who was seated on the sofa, looking out of the bay-window upon the garden; "do you love home better than this beautiful spot?"

I 'ad a back room, 'igh up, and o' nights I use to sit an' breave there, an' look at the sky. Believe me, dearie, I was mad about breavin' it was me only recreation, so to say. By Gawd, it's a fair wonder 'ow the sky an' the air keeps on above the mud, and 'ow we looks at it, an' breaves it, an' never pays no rent for it, when all's said an' done.

Ole mahs' love' wine, ole mis' love' silk, De piggies, dey loves buttehmilk, An' eveh sence dis worl' began, De ladies loves de ladies' man. I loves to sing a song to de ladies! I loves to dance along o' de ladies! Whilse eveh I can breave aw see aw stan' I's bound to be a ladies' man.

'Si, signore. 'And why, may I ask, should an intelligent American family be living in Valedolmo? 'I do not know, signore. I have heard ze Signor Papa's healf was no good, and ze doctors in Americk' zay say to heem, "You need change, to breave ze beautiful climate of Italia." And he say, "All right, I go to Valedolmo." It is small, signore, but ver' famosa. Oh, yes, molto famosa.

"Breave for all y'r worf," grunted Hawker, as he mightily swung a big bath-towel in swift eddies, to drive refreshing air upon the heaving, panting body of his principal. Bear and Goate applied massaging hands with skilled violence. "By Jove, I thought you had him," panted Goate as he kneaded triceps and biceps. "And then I thought he had you.

"Put me out doors," gasped the poor little sufferer, when she could speak at all. "I can't breave if the window's ever so up. Get me nearer to the moon. Then I can breave!" "It's so dreadful!" sobbed Susy. "I feel real sure she's going to die this time." "O, no, I don't think she will," said Prudy, shaking the tears off her eyelashes.