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'Twasn't her fault, bless her she done her level best. Ev'rybody to home?" "You bet," said the man. "All ben a-prayin' for yer to turn up with the rocks, an' somethin' with more color than spring water. Come on."

Especially was there a large number of women, and it was notorious that on that particular Monday more housewives were late with their weekly wash than ever before in the annals of Polktown. "Jefers-pelters!" muttered Walky Dexter, as he urged Josephus into High Street on his first trip downtown. "What's got ev'rybody? Circus in town? If so, it must ha' slipped my mind."

That there bank-place, like as not, gits er right smart lot of letters, an' hit stands ter reason the feller just naturally can't write back ter ev'rybody at once." "Of course," agreed Auntie Sue. "It is just some delay in their acknowledgment, that is all.

There was a Baby Tiger lived in a men-ag-er-ie Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy they wouldn't set him free; And ev'rybody thought that he was gentle as could be Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy Ba-by Ti-ger! "Oh! They patted him upon his head and shook him by the paw Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy he had a bone to gnaw; But soon he grew the biggest Tiger that you ever saw Fizzy-fezzy-fuzzy what a Ti-ger! "Oh!

The subject apparently languishes, but I know that it still occupies their sage meditations; and presently this is demonstrated by Hiram, who expectorates liberally by way of preface. "When this cuss Duncan fust come here," he says with a self-contained chuckle, "ev'rybody but me figgered he had stacks of money.

"Ozma is pop'lar," said Button-Bright. "Ozma is diff'rent from any other Ruler, from all I've heard," remarked Trot musingly, as she walked beside the boy. "And, after all, we are really in the Land of Oz, where Ozma rules ev'ry King and ev'rybody else. I never heard of anybody getting hurt in her dominions, did you, Button-Bright?" "Not when she knows about it," he replied.

"She wanted ter tell ye, first off," continued Nancy, a little unsteadily. "She wanted somebody ter play it with, ye know. That's why I begun it, so she could have some one." "And and these others?" Miss Polly's voice shook now. "Oh, ev'rybody, 'most, knows it now, I guess. Anyhow, I should think they did from the way I'm hearin' of it ev'rywhere I go.

Of course she told a lot, and they told the rest. Them things go, ye know, when they gets started. An' she was always so smilin' an' pleasant ter ev'ry one, an' so so jest glad herself all the time, that they couldn't help knowin' it, anyhow. Now, since she's hurt, ev'rybody feels so bad specially when they heard how bad SHE feels 'cause she can't find anythin' ter be glad about.

It's a shame to have a fellow like me talkin' to good church-members about what they know more about than him." "You'll have to acknowledge Him before men, Samuel, if you expect Him to acknowledge you." "Well, I hain't any objections to ownin' up to ev'rybody I know. Didn't I tell you an' the judge? Didn't I tell Nan and the children? I ain't seen anybody else yet, or I'd told them too.

I'd never seen so many folks together in my life, an' fer a spell it seemed to me as if ev'rybody was a-lookin' at me an' sayin', 'That's old Harum's boy Dave, playin' hookey, an' I sneaked 'round dreadin' somebody 'd give me away; but I fin'ly found that nobody wa'n't payin' any attention to me they was there to see the show, an' one red-headed boy more or less wa'n't no pertic'ler account.