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"I am positive that Hopewell would never have sold it for a hundred dollars if he hadn't felt he must," broke in the storekeeper's wife, and Janice did not complete her impulsive observation. "Ye can't most allus sometimes tell!" drawled Walky. "Mebbe Hopewell had suthin' up his sleeve 'sides his wrist. Haw! haw! haw! "Shucks! talk about a fiddle bein' wuth a hunderd dollars! Jefers-pelters!

Middler "flocked by himself." He had little to do with the other four members of the school committee. "And when it comes 'lection," said Walky, dogmatically, "there's a hull lot on us will have jest abeout as much to do with Cross Moore and Massey and old Crawford and Joe Pellett, as Mr. Middler does. Jefers-pelters!

But the druggist paid the town humorist no attention. He hurried to the counter and leaned across it, asking his question for a second time. "Why, yes, she was here, Mr. Massey," said Hopewell, puzzled. "She changed a bill with you, didn't she?" "Jefers-pelters! was it counterfeit?" put in Walky, drawing nearer. "A twenty dollar bill yes, sir," said the storekeeper.

We are going to hold a temperance meeting Mr. Middler and I have talked it over. And I have obtained Elder Concannon's promise to be one of those on the platform. Polktown must be waked up " "What! Again? Haw! haw! haw!" burst out Walky. "Jefers-pelters, Janice Day! You've abeout give Polktown insomnia already! I sh'd say our eyes was purty well opened "

Especially was there a large number of women, and it was notorious that on that particular Monday more housewives were late with their weekly wash than ever before in the annals of Polktown. "Jefers-pelters!" muttered Walky Dexter, as he urged Josephus into High Street on his first trip downtown. "What's got ev'rybody? Circus in town? If so, it must ha' slipped my mind."

"Jefers-pelters!" ejaculated Walky, "Here's a purty mess." "Who gave it to you?" again demanded Mr. Massey. "Why, it would be hard to say offhand," the storekeeper had sufficient wit to reply. "Oh, but Hopewell!" implored the druggist. "Don't ye see what I am after? Stir yourself, man!

Janice, still lugging her suitcase, shot up the dock toward the expressman, leaving Jason, slack-jawed and well-nigh breathless. "Jefers-pelters! What a flyaway critter she is!" the man muttered. "I don't see whatever we're a-goin' to do with her." Meanwhile Janice got Mr. Dexter's attention immediately. "There's my trunk right there, Mr. Dexter," she cried. "And here's the check.

With a snort he scrambled backward, the front wheels went over the edge of the dock and dragged Josephus with them. Harnessed as he was, and still attached to the shafts, the old horse went into the lake with a great splash. "Hey! Whoa! Whoa, Josephus! Jefers-pelters! ain't this a purty to-do?" roared Walky, recovering his footing with more speed than grace. "Naow see that ol' critter!

Haley as I do, I'm right sure he's innercent as the babe unborn. But, jefers-pelters! who could ha' done it?" "Why, Walky!" gasped Janice. "I know. It sounds awful, don't it?" said the expressman. "I don't whisper a word of this to other folks. But considerin' that the schoolhouse doors was locked and Mr.

"Sure enough!" went on Walky, "that's another thing that kin honestly be laid to Lem Parraday's openin' that bar at the Inn. That's where Jack got the liquor that twisted his brain, that led him astray, that made him a thief Jefers-pelters! sounds jest like 'The Haouse That Jack Built, don't it? But poor Jack Besmith has sartainly built him a purty poor haouse.