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So far from blaming you, Mabel, I only blame myself for being so vain as to think it possible I could please such a creatur'; for sartainly you told me how it was, when we talked it over on the mountain, and I ought to have believed you then; for I do suppose it's nat'ral that young women should know their own minds better than their fathers. Ah's me!

He could land the negro on that key, but he would reveal the presence of the boat to the people on board of the Reindeer, and they would burn her rather than have her fall into the hands of the Union navy. "I can land you on the long key, Quimp," suggested the officer. "No, sar! Can't go there; for Cap'n Stopfoot sartainly cotch me dar," protested the negro. "I don't think so, Quimp."

"If Mabel could fancy a man for that, I might have no great reason to despair; and yet, Sergeant, I sometimes think that it is all as much owing to Killdeer as to any skill of my own. It is sartainly a wonderful piece, and might do as much in the hands of another."

She likes another, and talks about him in her sleep; though you need not ask me who he is, for all the gold in King George's crown, and all the jewels too, wouldn't tempt me to tell you his name. If sisters can't keep each other's secrets, who can?" "Sartainly, I do not wish you to tell me, Hetty, nor would it be any advantage to a dyin' man to know.

"Hush! How very, very cold it is! Where is your knife? Will you do it?" "Most sartainly not. There he's at your mercy I never committed murder yet no, no, must think of my precious soul. A bargain's a bargain my part on't is done." "Gowles, don't talk so loud. I can't bear the sight of blood and, oh God! of this blood it would spurt upon my hand.

"'Oh! sais he, and he walked up and down agin, cypherin' like to himself; and then says he, 'I'll tell you; that word Socdolager, and the trade of preachin', and clockmakin', it would be as well to sink here; neither on 'em convene with dignity. Don't you think so? "'Sartainly, sais I; 'it's only fit for talk over a cigar, alone. It don't always answer a good, purpose to blart every thing out.

"What did I go through it fwhor? fwhy, thin, fwhor the sake o' the trewth I'm a Gaaulway man, boys, and it isn't in Can-naught you'll fwhind the man that's afeard to do fwhat's right: here's aaul your healths, and that everything may soon be as it ought to be." "Well," said the other, "you are a Can-naught man sartainly, that's clear from your tongue; but I want to axe you a question.

It sartainly did not seem to be worth all the trouble, but howsomever it was taken aft by the master-at-arms, and laid on the capstern head.

The natives come flockin' to him for miles an' miles. He's one big medicine man, all right, all right!" "And I look like him?" I queried. "By the e-tar-nal snakes! you sartainly favor him, son," declared the captain, enthusiastically. "Why! ye might be his son. Got the same features. The Professor keeps clean shaven. Hair like him, too, now I looks at ye.

Her comments upon people she had met and things she had seen, were in the line of a monologue. "I do sartainly grow tired of Poketown when it comes fall, and things is dead, and the wind gets cold, and all. I'm sartain sure glad to git shet of it!" she pursued on this particular afternoon.