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The leafy boughs and twigs of the underbrush enlace themselves before you, so that you must stoop your head to pass under, or thrust yourself through amain, while they sweep against your face, and perhaps knock off your hat. There are rocks mossy and slippery; sometimes you stagger, with a great rustling of branches, against a clump of bushes, and into the midst of it.

Y por más señas, que aunque no estuvo el tal enlace tan adelantado como el que seis meses antes tuvimos entre manos, lo estuvo sin embargo lo bastante para dar después mucho que hablar a la gente ociosa. DON EDUARDO. ¿Y dice usted que hubo otro seis meses antes que lo estuvo más?

In your country, the bark of the trees is clad with lichens and mosses, and the parasite mistletoe suspends itself to the branches, more as a burden than as an ornament; here, numerous families of the orchis, with their singular forms, showy and variegated blossoms, climb along the knotty stems of the tall monarchs of the forests; from their feet spring up, as if to enlace them with a magic network, the brilliant passiflora, the vanilla with its intoxicating perfume, the banisteria whose roots seem to have dived into mines of gold and borrowed from thence the color of its petals!

The body is dumpy, tapering to an acorn-shaped posterior; the legs are very long, resembling those of the spider when outspread; the hinder legs are disproportionately long and curved, being thus excellently adapted to enlace and press the little pilule of dung.

A very large sperm whale was locked in deadly conflict with a cuttle-fish or squid, almost as large as himself, whose interminable tentacles seemed to enlace the whole of his great body.

DON PEDRO. Es que no crea usted que es el primero a quien yo le digo todo esto, no señor, y otro tanto, sin quitar ni poner, le dije a mi sobrino Tiburcio hará ahora unos cuatro meses, cuando se quiso casar con su prima. DON EDUARDO. Que fué sin duda la que se opuso al enlace, ¿eh? DON PEDRO. ¡Quién había de ser!

Just as he touched her, the dark Amorphophalli leaped up from all sides and thrust their leaves into his abdomen which rose and fell like a sea. He had broken all the plants, experiencing a limitless disgust in seeing these warm, firm stems stirring in his hands. Suddenly the detested plants had disappeared and two arms sought to enlace him.

He saw the horrible form among the big trees, in the network of creepers in the fantastic outlines of leaves, of the great indented leaves that seemed to be so many enormous hands with big broad palms, with stiff fingers outspread to lay hold of him; hands gently stirring, or hands arrested in a frightful immobility, with a stillness attentive and watching for the opportunity to take him, to enlace him, to strangle him, to hold him till he died; hands that would hold him dead, that would never let go, that would cling to his body for ever till it perished disappeared in their frantic and tenacious grasp.

But the side she turned to her friend was still all softness had in it a hint of the old pliancy, the impulse to lean and enlace, that at once woke in Justine the corresponding instinct of guidance and protection, so that their first kiss, before a word was spoken, carried the two back to the precise relation in which their school-days had left them.

D. Pedro creía que mi tío aprobaba nuestro proyectado enlace, éste me instaba a que me casase con la hija única del conde de la Langosta.... Familia muy noble en tierra de Campos. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y bien? DON EDUARDO. ¡Y que mi tío me ha desheredado en seguida, porque no he querido darle gusto! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Le ha desheredado a usted?