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You can please yourself, but you might as well choose a dirigible. STANDARD DIRIGIBLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Millwall and Buenos Ayres GAYER AND HUNT Birmingham and Birmingham Eng. Ala. Towers. Landing Stages, Slips and Lifts public and private Contractors to the A. B. C., South-Western European Postal Construction Dept. Sole patentees and owners of the Collison anti-quake diagonal tower-tie.

The trick was soon discovered, and the two heroes, Yüan Ch`ang and Hsü Ching-ch`êng, were both summarily beheaded, even though it was to the former that the Empress Dowager was indebted for information which enabled her to frustrate the plot against her life in 1898. Now, at the very moment of departure, she perpetrated a most brutal crime.

The king bore a part in this ceremony, and subjoined, So help me God! I will keep all these articles inviolate, as I am a man, as I am a Christian, as I am a knight, and as I am a king crowned and anointed. " Hume, ch. 12. See also Blackstone's Introd. to the Charters. Black. Law Tracts, Oxford ed., p. 332. Makintosh's Hist. of Eng., ch. 3. Lardner's Cab. Cyc., vol. 45, p. 233 4.

Every hearer must be struck with its mysterious beauty, and it has been the subject of many theoretical discussions. There is, however, one thing to be noticed in this melody. This instrument therefore has a distinct melody of its own, consisting only of two notes, but still heard as a kind of sigh, and quite different from the merely filling-in part of the clarinets and bassoons. V' celli. Eng.

"Oh, much longer ago than that," he comforted them; "so long, in fact, that neither your Aunt Emily nor Weeden were even thought of there lived a man who " "Where? What country, please?" "There lived a man in England " "But you said England was beneath the sea with the chalk cliffs." "There lived a man in a very small, queer little island called Ingland, spelt 'Ing, not 'Eng, who "

Louis lawyer, graduate of Harvard college and law school, who studied in Germany; major in Civil war, wounded at Antietam; hospital nurse in Civil war; graduate of Yale; graduate of Cambridge, Eng., and author of "Five Years in an English University;" a graduate of Amherst and Andover, and missionary in Southern India; lawyer in Springfield; eminent teacher at Northampton; leading physician at Northampton; leading physician at New Bedford; supt.

John Locke's rule is this: Refer to the page, with another reference to the number of pages in the volume. At the same time tell how many volumes there are in the set you use. You would enter Charles II.'s escape from England, as described in the Pictorial History of England, thus: "Charles II. escapes after battle of Worcester. "Pictorial Hist. Eng. 391/855, Vol 3/4."

They have taken the two brothers and filled Chang full of warm water and sugar and Eng full of whisky, and in twenty-five minutes it was not possible to tell which was the drunkest. Both were as drunk as loons and on hot whisky punches, by the smell of their breath.

Demetri Gerof Dog Driver. Officers, &c. Harry L. L. Pennell Lieutenant, R.N. Henry E. de P. Rennick Lieutenant, R.N. Wilfred M. Bruce Lieutenant, R.N.R. Francis R. H. Drake Asst. Denis G. Lillie M.A., Biologist in Ship. James R. Dennistoun In Charge of Mules in Ship. Alfred B. Cheetham R.N.R., Boatswain. William Williams Chief Engine-room Artificer, R.N., 2nd Engineer. William A. Horton Eng. Rm.

Eng, after the "Big Four" had been seated a few minutes; and all of them rose to their feet, bowing low to the young ladies who had treated them with so much distinction.