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As sure as he is to head a great temperance procession Eng ranges up alongside of him, prompt to the minute, and drunk as a lord; but yet no more dismally and hopelessly drunk than his brother, who has not tasted a drop. And so the two begin to hoot and yell, and throw mud and bricks at the Good Templars; and, of course, they break up the procession.

See, also, Waitz, 'Introduction to Anthropology, Eng. translat. vol. i. 1863, p. 275, et passim. Lawrence also gives very full details in his 'Lectures on Physiology, 1822. As Professor Waitz remarks, "however poor and miserable man is, he finds a pleasure in adorning himself."

"I spoke to you about a Dyak long-house; and you will have an opportunity to examine one, and to sleep in it if you are disposed to do so. You will be received very kindly, and have a chance to see the people as well as the houses." "Thank you, Mr. Eng Quee; we will certainly go with you," replied Captain Scott, prompted by Louis. "We will heave you a line, and tow you up."

In the male Merganser the enlarged portion of the trachea is furnished with an additional pair of muscles. Prof. Newton, 'Proc. Zoolog. In the male of the black stork there is also a well-marked sexual difference in the length and curvature of the bronchi. 'Elements of Comparative Anatomy, by R. Wagner, Eng. translat. 1845, p. 111.

Mackintosh, Sir James, an allusion, 16. Macmillan's Magazine, 414. Malden, Mass.: Joseph Emerson's ministry, 8; diary, 17. Man: a fable about, 109, 110; faith in, 122; apostrophe, 140. Manchester, Eng.: visit, 194, 195; banquet, 220. Marlowe, Christopher, expressions, 404. Marvell, Andrew: reading by C.C. Emerson, 21; on the Dutch, 217; verse, 338. Mary, Queen, her martyrs, 418.

See articles in N.E.H. and G. Reg. above cited. Mr. Lincoln's article states that in Norwich, Norfolk County, Eng., there is a "curious chased copper box with the inscription 'Abraham Lincoln, Norwich, 1731;" also in St. Andrew's Church in the same place a mural tablet: "In memory of Abraham Lincoln, of this parish, who died July 13, 1798, aged 79 years." Similarities of name are also noted.

Miss Martin tells of one student who had long resisted all appeals, but who would listen to King Eng when she would not hear any one else; and who was finally led by her to such a complete consecration that she afterward gave her life to missionary service in Japan.

GEO. D. WALKER, N. Y. VoL Eng., Oct 13, 1862; Captain, Aug. 11, 1863. W. H. DANILSON, 48th N. Y., Oct 13, 1862; Captain, July 26, 1863. J. H. THTBADEAU, 8th Me., Oct 13, 1862; Captain, Jan. 10, 1863. EPHRAIM P. WHITE, 8th Me., Nov. 14, 1862; Resigned, March 9, 1864. JAS. POMEROY, 100th Pa., Oct 13,1862; Resigned, Feb. 9, 1863. JAS. F. JOHNSTON, 100th Pa., Oct 13, 1862; Resigned, March 26, 1863.

However much of elegant leisure the more solid and instructive lecturers may have, Mr. King is always wanted. He is, in some respects, the most popular writer and preacher of the two denominations which he equally represents, being a sort of soft ligament between the Chang of Universalism and the Eng of Unitarianism."

J. A. Doyle, Puritan Colonies, ii, p. 77. Palfrey, Comprehensive Hist. of New England, i, p. 111. J. R. Green, Short Hist. of the Eng. People, p. 544. In England, Pitkin had been a member of the church of the Commonwealth, and in all probability was not an Episcopalian or Church-of-England man in the usual sense. Stratford and Norwalk protested.