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She assured the committee that they would find that the results would justify them in doing this, and that none knew King Eng but to love her. Arrangements were soon made, largely through Mrs. Keen, secretary of the Philadelphia branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, and word was sent to Foochow that Dr. Trask's request had been approved.

Schäfer, Sir E.A. Endocrine Glands and Internal Secretions. Stanford University, 1914, p. 91. Paton, D. Noël. Regulators of Metabolism. London, 1913, p. 146. Weininger, Otto. Sex and Character. London & N.Y., 1906. Eng. trans. of Geschlecht u. Charakter, Vienna & Leipzig, 1901 & 1903. Leland, C.G. The Alternate Sex. London, 1904. Carpenter, Edw. Love's Coming of Age. London, 1906.

Knowledge through intellection can alone reach a truth independent of time; that through sensation is always relative, true for the time only. Eng. trans., London, 1847. Henry Maudsley, Body and Mind, p. 22. “States of Pleasure are connected with an increase, states of Pain with an abatement of some or all of the vital functions.” A. Bain, Mind and Body, p. 59.

For the general history of England in the seventeenth century, there are two modern works which stand far above all others, Gardiner's History of England, 10 vols., London, 1883-84; and Masson's Life of Milton, narrated in connection with the Political, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of his Time, 6 vols., Cambridge, Eng., 1859-80.

As sure as he is to head a great temperance procession Eng ranges up alongside of him, prompt to the minute, and drunk as a lord; but yet no more dismally and hopelessly drunk than his brother, who has not tasted a drop. And so the two begin to hoot and yell, and throw mud and bricks at the Good Templars; and, of course, they break up the procession.

During an engagement in Bolton, Eng., I met Billington, the official hangman, who was convinced that I could not escape from the restraint he used to secure those he was about to execute. Much to his astonishment, I succeeded in releasing myself, but he said the time consumed was more than sufficient to spring the trap and launch the doomed soul into eternity.

For a moment she looked just like Andrew Lashcairn, but before she had time to launch her indignation he was stammering and apologizing and looking so sorry that she decided to bury the hatchet. And he went on breathlessly, trying to reinstate himself. "You know, I hate the Germans. I happen to know a lot about them and the menace they are to Eng Britain," he said in a low, confidential voice.

This society is doing its work more quietly, perhaps, than many others, but a work very much needed, and a service requiring much thought and patience, Christian sympathy and tact. President, Mrs. D. Parrel, 24 Waverley Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool, Eng.; Secretary, Mrs. H. Spring, Office No. 2 Y.M.C.A. Buildings, 60 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool.

Millar's Hist. View of Eng. Gov., vol. 2, ch. 7, p. 282. The methods by which they were broken were two-fold. Gilbert on the Court of Chancery, p. l.

King Eng, who was the leader of one of these groups, proposed that each girl in it should earn enough money to buy one of the King's Daughters' badges, and that they should be sent to some of the girls in the Foochow school, that they too might organize a society.