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Come, now, recollect where you are, and what we've got to do. Mr Abraham " "Ibrahim, man! I've told you so half a dozen times before." "Then it's all right, Ben Eddin. You are wide awake." "Yes, yes, of course. But what about the Sheikh?" "He says we are to go to the Emir's palace." "Emir's palace? What Emir what palace?" "That fierce old chap as had such a bad arm. He's an Emir.

For between ourselves, Ben Eddin, I got an idea in my head that everyone was a bit on the grin as soon as I came out, and if you could lay your 'and on your 'eart now and say to me with one of your straightforward looks without blinking your eyes that it was all my fancy I could go on as comfortable as could be, for they are out and out nice and cool."

After some time the Cogia again became thirsty, and finding no water, he went to the bits of the melons which he had cut up, and saying, 'This is sprinkled, and this is sprinkled, ate them all. Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi had a lamb which he had fattened to a high degree.

Here, Ben Eddin, rouse up and put on your best white soot. Here's the Sheikh been with a message to say that we're all going to form a procession and march through the town to camp in the groves on the other side. It's to be a triumphal what-do-they-call-it? and the Baggara chief is going to show off all his prisoners and plunder, and we're to make the principal part of the show.

The Emperor invited them to accept the true faith; whereupon the three said, 'Each one of us has a question to ask, and if you can give us an answer, we will adopt your religion. All agreed to this condition; and Soldan Ala Eddin having assembled his ulemas and sheiks, not one of them was able to make any reply to the questions of the strangers.

In the time of Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi, three priests, who showed themselves versed in every kind of learning, travelling through the world, at last came to the country of the Soldan Ala Eddin.

Nasr Eddin Efendi had two daughters. One day the two coming to see their father, the Cogia said to them, 'Well, daughters, how do things go on with you? Now, the husband of one of them was a farmer, that of the other was a maker of tiles.

'O you foolish man, said the Cogia, 'cannot a ladder be sold anywhere? Nasr Eddin Efendi one day taking hold of some fowls one by one, tied some strips of an apron round their throats, and then let them go. The learned men having assembled round the Cogia, said, 'What was the matter with these fowls? Said the Cogia, 'They merely went into mourning for their slaughtered mothers.

One day the Cogia's wife went with the wife of a neighbour to wash at a pool. It happened that the Governor of the country, who was taking a walk, came up and looked at them. Said the wife of the Cogia, 'Pray, man, what are you looking at? 'Who is that woman? said the Governor to some one who was standing by. 'She is the wife of Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi, replied the individual.

Said the Cogia to the Emperor, after wishing him a blessing, 'For what may it have pleased you to summon me? Whereupon the Soldan Ala Eddin told him the whole circumstance.