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The two others also with heart and soul embraced the true faith, and the whole three became servants and disciples of the Cogia. Nasr Eddin Efendi one day placed three plums upon a great table and set out in order to carry them as a present to the Bey.

Indeed, he performed a more extraordinary exploit, for he was enabled to convey the greetings of the Sheikh Kawan Eddin, whom he met in China, to a relative of his residing in the Soudan.

"Now, O Hakim, another sorrow meets me here: the young Excellency, Ben Eddin, is stricken down, and we have not rescued the prisoner slave as yet." "But you have some plans," said the professor excitedly. "What do you propose to do?" "Nothing as yet, Excellency. We must wait till the young Ben Eddin is well and we can bring his brother here. Till then we must be patient, and trust in God."

Then having taken up his position on the right bank while the Russians occupied the left, he sent forward another of his sons, Khasi-Mahomet, with thirty murids to escort the captives. At the same time a party of riflemen commanded by Major-general Von Nikolai advanced from the other side, having in charge Jamal Eddin, the son who was to be exchanged, and a carriage containing the ransom money.

The Soldan Ala Eddin was very much incensed and mortified, and exclaimed, 'So there is not one of the ulemas and sheiks in the countries beneath my jurisdiction who can answer these fellows. Whereupon one of the ulemas replied, 'Though none of us can answer these questions, perhaps Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi can. The Emperor, on hearing these words, gave orders to his Tartar messengers to go in quest of Nasr Eddin Efendi.

Owing mainly to the fact that the Tatar princes had adopted Islamism instead of Christianity, after the failure of Gregory X. to send Christian teachers to China, Ibn Batuta was ultimately enabled to greet all three brothers of Borhan Eddin.

"Well, that would be awkward, sir; but I'd chance it this time." "No," said Frank stoically. "There, I feel a little rested now. Go on and bathe yourself. You want it as badly as I." "But let me tend you a bit, sir Ben." "Sir Ben!" cried Frank angrily. "You mean to betray us, then?" "It's just like me, Ben Eddin; but you will let me give you a cool sponge down? It's quite right, sir, as a barber."

When then Jamal Eddin came down to the ford, the thousands of his countrymen who covered the neighboring heights set up a shout of thanksgiving, and chanted the Estaphir Allah.

Then turning to Frank, "Suppose we say Ben Eddin?" Frank nodded and smiled. "Let it be so, then, Ben Eddin, my son, slave to the learned Hakim, with whom you have been so long that you understand his Frankish tongue. I have lain awake thinking many hours about the Hakim's other slave, and I feel that it would be wise that he should be his Frankish slave. There will be no mistake then.

"I meant that one where the two miserable-looking women came to the door to see us pass." "What, where a man came back to them just before we reached the dying camel?" "Yes; that was the place." "I just caught a glimpse of him as we passed." "Was that all, Ben Eddin?" "Yes, that was all. Why?" "Ah, you were on first, and I was a bit behind the professor, sir, and I saw it all."