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At the time of Hamsad Bey's death Mahomet-Mollah being no longer living to select and consecrate a new leader of the tribes, that Schamyl attained to the honors of the succession was very much owing to the exertions of his venerable teacher Dschelal Eddin.

Besides he did not know that Frank was lying there ill. "Let him think that there was a mystery about it all, Excellencies," said the Sheikh; "and when he sees Ben Eddin again going about his business as of old, making his desires known by signs, he will never think that it was he who spoke." "But who will he think it was then?" said the professor. "Who can say, Excellency?

'Hallo, Cogia, said the man, 'what are you about? 'I was merely playing the kite out of fun, said the Cogia. A person coming to Nasr Eddin Efendi, requested him to let him have a rope. The Cogia went into his house, and coming out again, said, 'The rope is striking ten. 'How can a rope strike ten? said the man.

"Yes, Excellency, for it will mean punishment for their oppressors, and then peace. Everyone now who is not a fighting man and follower of the new Mahdi is a slave at the mercy of the invader. Ah, it is horrible what one has to see!" "But have you no news for me, Ibrahim?" said Frank, looking at him appealingly. "None, Ben Eddin, though I have not ceased to search and question where I can.

Come as one of my camel-drivers, and maybe I can get you past the guard." "Ibrahim!" cried the young man wildly, "don't promise me too much." "I promise nothing, Ben Eddin," said the old man smiling; "but an Arab Sheikh and the black slave with him can go far unnoticed. Wait and see. Till then go on and be a patient servant to the sick man here, the Emir's son. He likes you in his way.

Long experience as dragoman and guide had made the old man wonderfully intelligent and apt to comprehend his employer's desires, and that he did so now was shown at the first start. "Which way am I going, Ben Eddin?" he said quietly.

"Oh, you know, sir, the other big man that followed the Mahdi in taking the Soudan." "You mean the Khalifa?" "That's right, sir. I'm not good at all over these Egyptian chaps. I've one name for them all the bad lot, and that's enough for me. Now, sir bah! Ben Eddin, I mean; breakfast will be ready in ten minutes, so look sharp.

"Very well," said the Hakim gravely; "I will do my best. The instruments, Ben Eddin," he continued, "and what is necessary." Sam was already at the door, and Frank joined him, to prepare all that would be required, while the young chief looked on, eager and smiling, but standing aloof from the Hakim as if in perfect confidence as to the result, but feeling a superstitious dread of his power.

I'll nurse you, and so will Mr Frrrr Ben Eddin." "Hah! I think I will," said the Sheikh, "when we have done; only I must not break too much for I am growing old. But two long days' journey in an hour, Mr Samuel? The Cairo railway never does anything like that." "The Cairo railway!" said Sam scornfully. "Don't talk about it.

One day Nasr Eddin Efendi went to the mountain to cut wood; after he had cut the wood he loaded his ass, and began to drive him home. The Efendi's ass, however, would hardly move. A person coming up, said, 'Put a little sal ammoniac into the of the ass. The Cogia finding a little sal ammoniac, put it in; whereupon the ass began to run so quickly that the Cogia was left far behind.