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This was a string of the sayings and adventures of one Cogia, in this style: "One day Cogia Nasr Eddin Effendi said: 'O Mussulmen, give thanks to God Most High that He did not give the camel wings; for had He given them, they would have perched upon your houses and chimneys, and have caused them to tumble down upon your heads." This may have been the translation from the Turkish that Fitzgerald read in 1857 and could not admire.

"Wants him to go out? What for?" "It is out of friendly feeling, Excellency," replied the Sheikh. "They are much of an age, and the young Emir says that Ben Eddin is wonderful." "But it is so strange," said the professor; "the one is a chief, and the other a slave." "Yes, Excellency, but Ben Eddin is not a white, and he can be friends with him."

"We are to be saved from all insult, Ben Eddin," said the Sheikh gravely; "but you must not resent anything you see, and this shows you how careful we must be." "Yes, but it makes my blood boil," said Frank to himself, as he gave the old Arab a meaning look full of promise as regards care.

I want to do it right and look proper." Frank nodded. "'Tain't vanity, mind, sir. I ain't a bit conceited, but I should like to feel that I look decent." There was a decisive nod. "Thankye, Ben Eddin. You see, they're so fresh to me. The bit o' scarlet looks right, don't it? Thankye Ben. You don't think it a bit too sojery, do you? No; you don't.

Then turning to the Sheikh the old man gravely interpreted the words, and the Emir caught at and kissed the Hakim's hand, before hurrying out, followed by his son. "Bravo, Ben Eddin!" said the professor excitedly. "Here, Ibrahim, fetch in your men to carry these things back to our rooms." "Yes, Excellency," said the old man quietly; "but truly the Hakim is great.

One day Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi having mounted the chair in a city, said, 'O Mussulmen, the air above this city is just like the air above my city. The congregation said, 'O Cogia Efendi, how do you know that? Said the Cogia, 'Because I have seen as many stars above this city as I saw above Belgrade.

We have had much good of late, and my heart was glad last night as I saw that the young Excellency, Ben Eddin, would soon scheme that his brother should join us, and that then we would flee across the desert to the British camp; but now " "Well, Ibrahim; but now?" said the doctor sternly.

'Who would have thought, said the Cogia to his people and his wife, 'that my flaying the heifer would have made that fellow's face look so black? One day the Cogia Nasr Eddin Efendi passing along the bazaar, an individual coming up to him said, 'Pray, Cogia, what is the moon to-day? Is it at three or four? 'I don't know, said the Cogia. 'I neither buy nor sell the moon.

Nasr Eddin, that moment saddling his ass, took his staff in his hand, and mounting the animal, said to the Tartar, 'Lead the way and set off straight for the palace of Soldan Ala Eddin. On his arrival, he went into the presence of the Emperor, to whom he said, 'Salaam, and received the same salutation from the Sultan, who, pointing out a place to him, bade him sit down.

You're fretting yourself into a sick bed, and though I'd sit up o' nights, and do anything in the way of nursing you, sir, we can't afford to have you ill." "Why not, Sam?" said the young man bitterly. "It is all hopeless. Poor Harry is dead, and the sooner I follow him the better." "Mr Frank Ben Eddin, I mean I do wonder at you! It don't seem like you speaking. Never say die, sir!