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"But," said my grandfather, "no to speak wi' disrespeck of things considered wi' reverence, it does na seem to me that there is ony cause to think the Reformers hae yet rebelled." "I am sure," replied the smith, "if they hae na they ought, or the de'il a spunk's amang them.

'Dinna ye ken a proverb whan ye hear 't? De'il hae ye! ye're as sharpset as a missionar'. I was only gaun to say that I'm doobtin' Andrew's deid. 'Ay! ay! commenced a chorus of questioning. 'Mhm! 'Aaay! 'What gars ye think that? 'And sae he's deid! 'He was a great favourite, Anerew! 'Whaur dee'd he? 'Aye some upsettin' though! 'Ay. He was aye to be somebody wi' his tale.

Indeed, 'am of opinion that he's no without a hantle o' book lair; for, to do him justice, de'il a question I spier at him, anent the learned names o' the rare plants, that he hasna at his finger ends, and gies to me off-hand. Naebody but a man that has gotten book lair could do yon." "Ou, just a correck knowledge o' the learned names of the plants.

"'De'il the bit, de'il the bit, mon, said Abernethy. 'Come in, come in. And he preceded them to his office, and examined his case, which proved to be a slight one, with such gentleness as almost to lead them to doubt whether Abernethy within his consulting-room, and Abernethy whom they had encountered in the passage, was really the same personage."

Noo, there's the filbert trees, ma friend, of whilk ane is male and the tither female; and the upshot e'en is, Andy, that de'il a pickle o' fruit ever the female produces until there's a braw halesome male tree planted in the same gerden. But, ou, man, Andy, wasna yon she and that bonnie jaud, Connor, that we met the noo? De'il be frae my laul, but I jalouse she's aff wi' him this vara nicht."

The wind blew as 'twad blawn its last The rattling showers rose on the blast; The speedy gleams the darkness swallowed Loud, deep and long the thunder bellowed; That night a child might understand The de'il had business on his hand. A week passed before Capitola carried her resolution of calling upon the inmate of the Hidden House into effect.

As to that penance, it's just some Papistrical nonsense, he has gotten into his head de'il hae't mair: but sure they're a' full o't a' o' the same graft, an' a bad one I fear it is." "Well, I believe so, Malcomson, I believe so. However, if the unfortunate fool is clever, give him good wages."

I ken hoo to manage her. 'But wadna 't be better 'at she didna ken? 'She's sure to fin' oot whan she mak's the bed. 'De'il a bit o' her s' be a hair wiser! Ye dinna play tunes upo' the boxie, man. Robert caught at the idea.

Perhaps, if the Noble Lord be told that he has no talents for the latter, His Lordship may exclaim with honest Johnny M'Cree, 'Gin they dinna lie there, where the de'il dittha lie, mon?" On the 10th of May, the claims of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, were, for the first time, brought under the notice of the Imperial Parliament, by Lord Grenville in the House of Lords, and by Mr.

"What will ye hae?" he roared, continuing the dialect which the song had freshened on his tongue. "The shift in the fireroom is short-handed," said the voice. "That fellow Harrigan has not shown up. Shall we search for him?" "Search for the de'il!" thundered Campbell. "Harrigan is doing a fine piece of work for me; shall I let him go to the fireroom to swing a shovel?"