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Long live Goodloets!" I answered, as I in turn leaned against Nickols' jaded arm for only a second before we preceded Dabney up the stairs to our rooms. In my room I went immediately to the window and opened wide the heavy shutters.

Deliberately I fired a preliminary bullet that seemed to graze father, though it left the Parson unharmed. "Will you have your mint julep before I pour your coffee, Mr. Goodloe?" I asked, with seemingly careless friendliness. "Dabney, put fresh ice in father's glass and fill mine and Mr. Goodloe's."

I'm sure I don't feel any call to uplift the poor." "My dear child, I seem to remember your admiring Freddy Dabney because he is so heroically poor. It's very good for you to come to a place like this. Now you know what it's like to be poor, Marky. You can see precisely how romantic it really is." "Oh, I'll admit Marky is a perfect little devil.

But he was there, with the fierce old eyes quenched and swimming and the passionate Dabney lips trembling strangely under the great mustaches, when the black-frocked little waif from the Old World ran down the landing stage and into his arms.

Phillis, "State Mary" Tinny, George Howe, Uncle Abram, Bill Dabney, "Uncle Billy" pass over the stage before me as I write. But of those who unwittingly struggled for the foremost rank in the line of fun-making, George Howe must be the acknowledged star. Unlike others of the same school, whose minds had become unbalanced by overwork, worry or disease, George Howe was born a fool.

Nearer at hand were the wooded slopes of the Dabney lands lordly forests culled and cared for through three generations of land-lovers until now their groves of oaks and hickories, tulip-trees and sweet-and black-gums were like those the pioneers looked on when the land was young.

And then, when we were ready to go, she cut in ahead of our plans and sent us to the West with letters to General Dabney Maury, whom she had known when he was a boy and later when he was a young officer in the regular army. We were not ill-equipped for two raw youngsters; we had Whistling Jim, the negro, three fine horses, and more money than I had ever seen before.

Then her good blood made its protest heard. "Oh, please forgive me! I don't forget that you are my guest, but " "Not a word, Miss Dabney. Shall I come back here with the woman or the doctor?" "No; I'll send for you if if there is no hope. Otherwise you could do nothing." He lifted his hat and was gone, and she turned and reëntered the house of trouble, bravely facing that which had to be faced.

Think of one man with seven first-rate languages." But Dabney found himself unable to sit still, even at the breakfast-table. Not that he got up hungry, for he had done his duty by Miranda's cookery, but the house itself seemed too small to hold him, with all his new prospects swelling so within him.

The Frenchman with his exasperating air of success was to him the insolent embodiment of that which had been wrongfully wrested from him, Dabney Dirke, who had as good a right to success as another. Some philanthropists, made such by prosperity and ease, spent their lives in trying to even things off by raising the condition of their fellow-creatures to their own.