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The soft voice said: "All right, Dr. Vivian. Ready now!... Hello! All right...." "Hello," said Cally. Then all sounds faded away, and out of a sudden great desert of silence, she heard a man's voice, clear though it came all the way from Meeghan's Grocery, across the street from the old Dabney House, back home. "Hello?" Mr.

With so prompt a courtesy did the Dabney House physician swing open the door that it was as if he had been opening it all along, as if she hadn't caught him looking at her.... "How do you do, Miss Heth?... Such a dreadful day! you were brave to venture out." "How d'you do?" said Carlisle, in the voice of "manner," a rising voice, modulated, distant and superior.

He will be wild about it, but won't it take a lot of money? And where did you get your inspiration?" I asked the question, though I hated the answer I knew it must receive. "The plans are entirely my own," answered father, with a pleased flush making even brighter his dulled eyes and cheeks, faintly glowing from the shower at which Dabney had officiated a few minutes before.

We'll take Dick with us some other time. Mrs. Myers, if you will have breakfast pretty early I'll be much obliged to you." Even Almira had never seen Dabney look quite so tall as he did at that moment. Conversation did not flourish at the supper-table that Friday evening. There was a puzzled look on the faces of Mrs.

"We're in a modification of the modified Dabney field now," observed Jones in a gratified tone. "You know the original theory." "I don't," acknowledged Cochrane. "The field's always a pipe, a tube, a column of stressed space between the field-plates," Jones reminded him. "When we landed the first time, back yonder, the tail of the ship wasn't in the field at all.

"But I notice he doesn't say any thing about his appetite. I do hope he isn't losing it. He seems to be studying hard." "Dabney? Lose his appetite in less than two weeks? No, mother Kinzer, it would take him longer than that." It was just one week later that he showed her a part of a curious epistle he had himself received from Dab.

As a matter of fact, when Pickett was passing the all-important point Warren's men were just breaking from the bivouac in which their chief had placed them the night before, and the head of Griffin's division did not get to Boisseau's till after my cavalry, which meanwhile had been joined by Ayres's division of the Fifth Corps by way of the Boydton and Dabney roads.

But his hands shook and the match went out. Pettigrass moved nearer and spoke so that the child should not hear. "If you run me off the place the nex' minute, I'm goin' to tell you you ort to be tolerably 'shamed of yourse'f, Maje' Dabney. That po' little gal is scared out of a year's growin', right now." "I know, Japheth; I know. I'm a damned old heathen!

Before many minutes she had frankly told Annie all about it, and she could not have done that if she had not somehow felt that Annie's "sweetness" was genuine. The two girls were sure friends after that, much to the surprise of Mr. Dabney Kinzer. He, indeed, had been too much occupied in caring for all his guests, to pay especial attention to any one of them.

Besides being sort of a missionary doctor, he's always working on dozens of grand schemes of one sort or another. His latest is to raise about a million dollars and buy the Dabney House for a Settlement! How's that for a tall one? He just mentioned it to me this morning, en passant, and says I must help him raise the million "