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The end of it all was, however, that Ford was to go, and Annie was more than half sorry she could not go with them. In fact, she said so to Dabney himself, as soon as her little laugh was ended, that Sunday morning. "Some time or other I'd be glad to have you," replied Dab very politely, "but not this trip." "Why not?" "We mean to go right across the bay, and try some fishing." "Couldn't I fish?"

As a matter of fact, when Pickett was passing the all-important point Warren's men were just breaking from the bivouac in which their chief had placed them the night before, and the head of Griffin's division did not get to Boisseau's till after my cavalry, which meanwhile had been joined by Ayres's division of the Fifth Corps by way of the Boydton and Dabney roads.

"'Prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law. G. M. Dabney, Col., J.P., an' all the rest of it. 'Don't seem to me that any chap in his senses would trespass here, does it?" "You've got to prove damage 'fore you can prosecute for anything! 'Can't prosecute for trespass," said McTurk, whose father held many acres in Ireland. "That's all rot!" "Glad of that, 'cause this looks like what we wanted.

Myers, with more of firmness and less of smile than they had ever seen on her face before. "I have no objection to the rest of you going. You may do as you please about that, but I must keep Richard at his work." "I am particularly well pleased to learn that you have no objection to our going," remarked Ford, with extreme politeness, and Dabney added, "It does me good too.

Dabney had longed to ask her if she meant to have it moved over to the Kinzer side of the north fence, but he had doubts as to the propriety of it; and just then the boy came in from the tailor's with his bundle of new clothes. Hamilton Morris was a very promising young man, of some thirty summers.

Organizing under the lead of Amos Kendall, whose lieutenants were the brilliant but vindictive Isaac Hill, of New Hampshire; the scholarly Nathaniel Greene, of Massachusetts; the conservative Gideon Welles, of Connecticut; the jovial Major Mordecai M. Noah, of New York, and the energetic Dabney S. Carr, of Maryland, the allied editors claimed their rewards.

By a common impulse the men fell upon each other with their knives, and Warner soon had his enemy in a position to give him the death-stroke, but Dabney began to bellow for quarter. "My brother cried for quarter at Paoli," answered the other, "and you struck him to the heart." "I have a wife and child. Spare me for their sakes." "My brother had a wife and two children.

"I said you should know after a little: you may as well know now. I planned this thing; I set out to break them; and, as it happened, I wasn't a moment too soon. In another week you and Major Dabney would have had a chance to sell out for little or nothing, or lose it all. Farley had it fixed to be swallowed by the trust, and this is how it was to be done.

"I wonder," he said to himself, "what Jenny Walters would think of me now? Wonder if she'd know me?" Not a doubt of it. But, after he had finished his breakfast and gone out, his mother remarked: "It's really all right, girls. I almost fear I've been neglecting Dabney. He isn't a little boy any more." "He isn't a man yet," exclaimed Samantha, "and he talks slang dreadfully."

He had not seen Ardea since the midwinter night of soul-awakenings; and Alecto's finger was still pressing on the wound inflicted by the closed doors of Mountain View Avenue and his father's misdirected sympathy. He found Major Dabney smoking on the hotel veranda, and his welcome was not scanted here, at least.