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They were all listening now, even his sisters; and Dabney launched out into a somewhat highly-colored description of the terrors of the Long-Island "south shore," in old times and new, and of the character and deeds of the men who were formerly the first to find out if any thing or anybody had been driven ashore.

It was his mother's voice, and Dab felt like "minding" very promptly that morning. "Dabney, my boy, come here to the gate." "Ham's having his house painted," he remarked, as he joined his mother. "Is he?" she said. "We'll go and see about it." As they drew nearer, however, Dabney discovered that carpenters as well as painters were plying their trade in and about the old homestead.

One of the most excellent things in all the world, and very few people get too much of it nowadays. As for Dabney Kinzer, he had done his sleeping as regularly and faithfully as even his eating, up to the very night after Ham Morris came home to find the old barn afire. There had been a few, a very few, exceptions.

"A very remarkable woman!" muttered Ford Foster to himself as they drove away. "I must make some more inquiries." "Mother," said Dabney, "you wouldn't let 'em have Ham's house?" "No, indeed; but I don't mean to have our own stand empty." And, with that, a great deal of light began to break in on Dabney's mind. "That's it, is it?" he said to himself, as he touched up the ponies.

Kinzer," said Dick very proudly, as he strutted across the road. "On'y I dasn't go back fru de village." "What'll you do, then?" asked Dab. "S'pose I'd better go a-fishin'," said Dick. "Will de fish bite?" "Oh! the clothes won't make any odds to them," said Dabney. "I must go back to the house."

There is perpetual war between Dabney, who knows father's nervous limit, and Nickols, who doesn't care just as long as things and human beings that surround him are kept pleasant. It is all right for the rest of the world to have delirium tremens, just so they do it out of his sight and hearing. "I wonder just what Nickols will think of Goodloe," father added, with a slightly strained laugh.

They didn't tell their house-master that, of course?" "They took up Mr. King on appeal just as soon as he spoke about their 'abits. Put in the appeal at once, sir, an' asked to be sent to the dormitory waitin' for you. I've since gathered, sir, in their humorous way, sir, that some'ow or other they've 'eard about every word Colonel Dabney said to Mr. King and Mr.

There was no doubt at all that a thorough search would be made of the bay and the island, and so Mr. Foster wisely remained at home to comfort his wife and daughter. "That sort of boy," mourned Annie, "is always getting into some kind of mischief." "Annie!" exclaimed her mother indignantly, "Ford is a good boy, and he does not run into mischief." "I didn't mean Ford: I meant that Dabney Kinzer.

"Well, Dabney, I wish you would thank your mother for me, for sending my trunk over. Your sisters too. I've no doubt we shall be very neighborly." It was wonderfully pleasant to be called by his first name by so very pretty a young lady, and yet it seemed to bring up something curious into Dabney Kinzer's throat.

Young-Dickson who answered the telephone. Yes; the fire was one of the foundry buildings the office, she believed. Mr. Young-Dickson had gone over, and she would have him call up when he should return, if Miss Dabney wished.