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'I suppose, said Paul's informant, 'you've never fowt for money? 'No, Paul answered, 'I've never fowt for money. Mek yourself easy on that score. 'Oh, said the other, 'I wasn't castin' no suspicion. But it's just a quiet bit o' fun like for them as ain't been blooded in a reg'lar way. It's a bit o' fun for the young uns. Billy an' yov comes second. 'All right, said Paul.

I knowed that him meant the things of the sperit, but my human heart translated it, and I sithed and felt that the Jordan my soul wuz passin' through wuz indeed a hard pathway, and I couldn't help castin' a wishful eye on Jonesville's fair and happy land, where my earthly possession, my Josiah, lay. But to resoom.

"Believe me," exclaimed Dick, flashing with enthusiasm, "Crusoe's more trustworthy than I am myself. If ye can trust the master yer safe to trust the pup." "Well, lad, ye may be right. We'll take him." "Thanks, Joe. And who else goes with us?" "I've bin castin' that in my mind for some time, an' I've fixed to take Henri. He's not the safest man in the valley, but he's the truest, that's a fact.

It'll be a makeshift job at the best, because I have so few spa-aw fittin's, an' no chance of makin' a castin', but I'll bet a ye'aw's scwew the Kansas gets a move on her undaw her own steam soon aftaw New Ye-aw's Day." New Year's Day! What a lump in the throat the words brought. In three days it would be Christmas, in seven more the New Year!

Then, as we all know, our Indian Alizay has for long been efter the girl Idazoo. There's no accountin' for taste, Tonal'. I would sooner be married to a ship's figure-head myself, but that's his look-out, whatever. I hev also observed 'deed it would be difficult not to observe that the man Oolalik iss castin' sheep's-eyes at that girl Nootka.

It's no nae surprise to me." "He's been lang in marryin'," Hookey Crewe said. "He was thirty at Martinmas," said Pete. "Thirty, was he?" said Hookey. "Man, I'd buried twa wives by the time I was that age, an' was castin' aboot for a third." "I mind o' them," Hendry interposed. "Ay," Hookey said, "the first twa was angels." There he paused. "An' so's the third," he added, "in many respects."

"Now, don't you know yourself that there is some days that the fish won't come near the lines at all, and that we might as well be castin' our nets on the dhry land as in the say, for all we'll catch if we start on an unlooky day; and sure, I towld you I was waitin' only till I had it given to me to undherstan' that it was looky to sail, and I go bail we'll be there sooner than if we started three days agon, for if you don't start with good look before you, faix maybe it's never at all to the end o' your trip you'll come."

He whispered to me what he supposed they were after with the design of breaking the terrible truth to me as gently as possible. But I had now better than half divined it, and his communication did not startle me. "Some one got to die, lad. I s'pose they're talkin' o' castin' lots who it'll be well, we must take our chance along with the rest."

An' now as I'm stricken in years an' the owd place is gone, I think no shame o' being' behowden to ye for mate an' shelter." "La, mother," stammered Mary "whatever makes ye go for to say such things? I'm sure I wasn't castin' up " "Ye've no need to cast up," interrupted her mother fiercely. "I'm not behowden to ye for mich, as how 'tis I reckon I addle my mate."

Seein' so many soldiers comin' again us, some of our chaps got a bit frighted and took the cap'n at his word by castin' off our shore fasts at once, without waitin' for everybody to get aboard first.