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I've bin tattooed by the New Zealanders, and I've danced with the Hottentots, and ate puppy dogs with the Chinese, and fished whales in the North Seas, and run among the ice near the South Pole, and fowt with pirates, and done service on boord of men-o'-war and merchantmen, and junks, and bumboats; but I never," concluded Gurney, looking round with a sigh, "I never came for to be located on a sandbank in the middle of the ocean."

"Leftenant," said the captain gravely, "your quotation, besides bein' a kind o' desecration, is not applicable; 'cause the Ogilvys did not run away. They fowt on that occasion like born imps, an' they would ha' certainly won the day, if they hadn't been, every man jack of 'em, cut to pieces before the battle was finished." "Well said, uncle," exclaimed Ruby, with a laugh.

Of course considerable interest was manifested when the station of Tel-el-Kebir was reached. "It's two mile from this, I've bin towld," said Flynn, "where the great battle was fowt." "How d'ee know that, Flynn?" asked one. "How do I know anything I'm towld but by belaivin' it?" returned the corporal.

Well, old Capilet that was Juliet's feyther he finds a husband for Juliet, a nice chap enough, a count, like Lord Barfield, on'y younger an' likelier. An' Juliet, she gets welly mad, because she wants to marry Romeo. And then, to mek matters wuss, Romeo meets one o' Juliet's relations, a young man named Tybalt, as hates him like pison, an' they fowt, an' Romeo killed him.

I've fowt against it till I can hardly stand. I feel as if I was goin' to knock under altogether. This hand, too, seems gittin' bad. I do think my blood must be poisoned, or somethin' o' that sort. You know I don't easily give in, but when a feller feels as if little red-hot wires was twistin' about inside of him, an' sees things goin' round as if he was drunk, why "

The Reddy o' that day he was thy grandfeyther's grand-feyther as like as not maybe he was his grandfeyther for aught as I can tell, for it's a deadly-dreadful heap o' time long past the Reddy o' that day went to the wars, and fowt for Cromwell. The Mountain o' that time stopped at hum. Up to then they'd niver been misfriended as fur as I know. That's how it's put about, anyway.

When he returned he croaked out, with an unusual air of excitement, "Big thing!" "What is a pig ding?" inquired Sergeant Meyer. "Never see Injuns make such a fight afore." "Nor I," assented Meyer. "Stranger, they fowt first-rate," affirmed Smith, half admiring the Apaches. "How many did we save?"

'I heard the young imp say he'd fowt our Joe and licked him, pursued Samson. 'If ever it should come to my knowledge as a truth I'd put Master Joe in such fettle he wouldn't sit down for the best side a month o' Sundays. 'They 'm giving the child such airs, said his wife, 'it's enough to turn the bread o' life which nourishes. Mrs.

The two families were connected with many o' the richest and greatest people in the land, and these went to lend a hand when they beat to quarters, and there was no end o' barbed horses, as they call them which means critters with steel spikes in their noses, I'm told and lots of embroidered banners and flags, though I never heard that anyone hoisted the Union Jack; but, however that may be, they fowt like bluejackets, for five hundred men were left dead on the field, an' among them a lot o' the great folk.

I fowt Jack Standfort yesterday and licked un; though, as you see, oi 'ave got a rare pair of black eyes today. If oi takes one every Saturday it's only eight more to lick, and oi reckon oi can do that."