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Before we began the feast Samson, who seemed to be repentin' of his bet, took us a-one side an' says, `Now mind, says he, `I can't say exactly how he'll bu'st, or when he'll bu'st, or what sort of a bu'st he'll make of it. `Oh, never mind that, says we, laughin'. `We won't be par-tickler how he does it. If he bu'sts at all, in any fashion, we'll be satisfied, and admit that you've won.

"I took you for some darned crook, but now I remember you perfectly. If you hadn't've spoke up slick I'd have bu'st your face in, sonny. I would, sure! Come right in, and have a drink to show there's Jeehoshaphat!"

He says for a carefully planned an' worked up thing a Republican victory is about the tamest surprise as this country ever gets nowadays, an' yet we keep on gettin' them an' openin' our eyes over 'em every four years like they was somethin' new. "I bu'st in then an' said as there was sure to come a change afore long with prices goin' up like they is an' a reaction bound to drop in the end.

Steam 's up! said the young man John, so called, in a low tone. Three hundred and sixty-five tons to the square inch. Let him blow her off, or he'll bu'st his b'iler. The divinity-student took it calmly, only whispering that he thought there was a little confusion of images between a galvanic battery and a charge of cavalry.

"Thet's the wurrst rat in the stables," said McGaw, his face reddening with anger. "What kin ye do whin ye're a-buckin' ag'in' a lot uv divils loike him?" speaking through the window to Babcock. "Come out uv thet," he called to Cully, "or I'll bu'st yer jaw, ye sneakin' rat!" Cully came out, but not in obedience to McGaw or Lathers.

I's bin wakin' a good while, larfin' fit to bu'st my sides. De purfesser's been a-goin' on like a mad renoceros for more'n an hour. He's arter suthin', which he can't ketch. Listen! You hear 'im goin' round an' round on his tip-toes. Dere goes anoder chair. I only hope he won't smash de lamp an' set de house a-fire." "Vell, vell; I've missed him zee tence time. Nevair mind.

I was shovin' Eve about the roads in the bath-chair, as you know I've bin doin' ever since I entered your service, w'en a gen'lem'n come up and axed all about us. `Would ye like a sitivation among the North Sea fishermen? says he. `The very ticket, says I. `Come to Lun'on to-night, then, says he. `Unpossible, says I, fit to bu'st wi' disappointment; `'cos I must first shove Miss Eve home, an' git hold of a noo shover to take my place. `All right, says he, laughin'; `come when you can.

"Be'n hit?" said he, his great hand on my shoulder. "With trouble," I answered. "Torn me up a little inside." "Thought so," he remarked soberly. "Judas Priest! ye luk es ef a shell 'ad bu'st 'n yer cockpit. Ain' nuthin' 'll spile a man quicker. Sheer off a leetle an' git out o' range. An' 'member, Ray, don't never give up the ship. Thet air 's whut Perry tol' us."

That bu'st up our party I didn't want no more o' him. He come pretty near lyin' by the Deer that day. It makes me hot yet when I think of it. "If he'd shot that Deer down runnin' an' killed it as quick as he could it wouldn't 'a' suffered more than if it had been snagged a little, 'cause bullets of right weight numb when they hit.

I'll tell you what I knows, I knows enough to bu'st dat will to flinders en more, mind you, more!" Tom was aghast. "More?" he said, "What do you call more? Where's there any room for more?" Roxy laughed a mocking laugh, and said scoffingly, with a toss of her head, and her hands on her hips: "Yes! oh, I reckon! co'se you'd like to know wid yo' po' little ole rag dollah.