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I think I'll take the Case upstairs and lock my door hereafter, and if the Emblem is an hour or to late, we will have to stand for it. Eight o'clock is early enough for any Flag, especialy if it has been out late the night before." "Father" I said, in a tence voice. "I have before this warned you, but you would not listen, considering me imature and not knowing a Spy when I see one."

Now I think this: if I were going to rob a house, or comit any sort of Crime, I should do it and get it over, and not hang around for days making up my mind. Besides keeping every one tence with anxiety. It is like diving off a diving board for the first time. At last, feeling I could stand no more, I said this to the Stranger as he was paying me.

"He is an Actor." "Ye gods!" said Jane, in a tence voice. "What a tradgedy!" "Tradgedy indeed," I was compeled to admit. "Jane, my Heart is breaking. I am not alowed to see him. It is all off, forever." "Darling!" said Jane. "You are trembling all over. Hold on to me. Do they disaprove?" "I am never to see him again. Never." The bitterness of it all overcame me. My eyes sufused with tears.

I remember that, inside the door, Jane said "Courage!" in a low tence voice, and that I stepped on somebody's foot and said "Certainly" instead of apologizing. The shock of that brought me around somewhat, and I managed to find Mrs. Adams and Elaine, and not disgrace myself. Then somebody at my elbow said: "All right, Barbara. Everything's fixed." It was Carter.

She had ceased to feel the gushings of peni- tence; she had crushed the sharp agonies of an awakened conscience. She had no longings for a purer heart, a better life. Far easier to descend lower. She entered the darkness of perpetual infamy. She asked not the rite of civilization or Christianity. Her will made her the wife of Seth. Soon followed scenes familiar and trying.

"I've promised to write and break it off," I said in a tence tone. "If he really loves you," said Jane, "the letter won't matter." There was a thrill in her voice. Had I not been uneasy at my deciet, I to would have thrilled. Some fresh muffins came in just then and I was starveing. But I waved them away, and stood staring at the fire. I am writing all of this as truthfully as I can.

Such a speach discouraged me, for I can bear anything except to be laughed at. I therfore said: "William has just taken your Dispach Case out of the safe. I saw him." "William!" "William," I repeated in a tence voice. He was then alarmed and put on his slippers and dressing gown. "You stay here," he observed.

I's bin wakin' a good while, larfin fit to bu'st my sides. De purfesser's been agoin' on like a mad renoceros for more 'n an hour. He's arter suthin, which he can't ketch. Listen! You hear 'im goin' round an' round on his tip-toes. Dere goes anoder chair. I only hope he won't smash de lamp an' set de house a-fire." "Veil, veil; I've missed him zee tence time. Nevair mind.

Since they have abandoned us, The G. A. C. must abandon them and do as it thinks best. Between Familey and Country, I am for the Country." Here they all cheered, and Hannah came in and said mother had a headache and to keep quiet. I could but look around, with an eloquent gesture. "You see, Members of the Corps," I said in a tence voice, "that things at present are intollerable.

"Honey, don't you touch no tea nor coffee dis evening after Dinah goes out ob here an' de bolt am fetched home; jus' make 'tence to drene it down, like, but don't swaller one mortal drop, for dey is gwine to give you a dose of laudamy" nodding sagaciously and peering into the teapot as she interpolated aloud; "sure enough, it is full ob grounds, honey!