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I luv the Union it is a Big thing and it makes my hart bleed to see a lot of ornery peple a-movin heaven no, not heaven, but the other place and earth, to bust it up. Toe much good blud was spilt in courtin and marryin that hily respectable female the Goddess of Liberty, to git a divorce from her now.

"Mister Ward, don't your blud bile at the thawt that three million and a half of your culled brethren air a clankin their chains in the South?" Sez I, "Not a bile! Let 'em clank!" He was about to continner his flowry speech when I put a stopper on him.

On one occasion, when his friends urged him to condone an offence of a student of noble family from fear of revenge, he answered, 'Giff they wald haiff forgiffness let them crave it humblie and they sall haiff it; but or that preparative pass, that we dar nocht correct our scholars for fear of bangstars and clanned gentlemen, they sall haiff all the blud of my body first. In St.

Through rising fog a dragon sandstrewer, travelling at caution, slews heavily down upon him, its huge red headlight winking, its trolley hissing on the wire. THE GONG: Bang Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo. Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, blunders stifflegged out of the track. THE MOTORMAN: Hey, shitbreeches, are you doing the hat trick? Close shave that but cured the stitch.

We all get a handle, whether we like it or not. There's Montana and Blud and Lemme Two Bits. They call me Professor. Why should you kick on yours?" "I won't stand it now. Not from any one especially not you." "Ahuh! Well, I'm afraid it'll stick," replied Moore, with sarcasm. "It sure suits you. Don't you bust everything you monkey with?

The black devil Disunion is trooly here, starein us all squarely in the face! We must drive him back. Shall we make a 2nd Mexico of ourselves? Shall we sell our birthrite for a mess of potash? Shall one brother put the knife to the throat of anuther brother? Shall we mix our whisky with each other's blud? Shall the star spangled Banner be cut up into dishcloths?

He got it mark on hees head vere de blud run dot tam, yust de sam, all right. I know heem. He speek lak heem. He move hees arm lak heem. Yas, I know putty good." "You're sure you remember everything he said all you told me?" "Oh, yas. I write it here," and he drew a small book from his pocket, very worn and soiled. "All iss here writed." "Let's see it."

Lem saddled him, paying particular attention to the cinch. "Reckon we'd better not cinch him tight," said Lem. "You jest be careful an' remember your saddle's loose." "All right, Lem," replied Columbine, as she mounted. "Where are the boys this morning?" "Blud an' Jim air repairin' fence up the crick." "And where's Ben?" "Ben? Oh, you mean Wade. Wal, I 'ain't seen him since yestidday.

Cunningham and all the rest of 'em." "You're in favor of the war?" "Certingly. By all means. I'm in favor of this war and also of the next war. I've been in favor of the next war for over sixteen years!" "War to the knife!" sed the man. "Blud, Eargo, Blud!" sed I, tho them words isn't orrigernal with me, them words was rit by Shakspeare, who is ded.

I'm not afwaid of BLOOD. 'Not afwaid of blood! exclaimed a young man with a thick, pale, jeering face, who had just come to the table and was drinking whisky. The Pussum turned on him a sulky look of dislike, low and ugly. 'Aren't you really afraid of blud? the other persisted, a sneer all over his face. 'No, I'm not, she retorted.