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"Where in the world are you going, Mrs. Peet?" I asked. "Can't be you ain't heared about me, dear?" said she. "Well, the world's bigger than I used to think 't was. I've broke up, 't was the only thing to do, and I'm a-movin' to Shrewsbury." "To Shrewsbury? Have you sold the farm?" I exclaimed, with sorrow and surprise. Mrs.

The door ware open, an' I see the chist ware a little trunk av a thing, no bigger than a hand-bag, so to speak. Up on top av it ware a pile av charts an' things sech as th' raskil sung out to Trunnell not to touch. 'Twas a cute little thing to do; fer how I could get inter th' outfit without a-movin' them struck me. "I finally grabs th' side av th' trunk an' tries to lift it.

This bothered us a good deal, for the snow being wet and sticky, would ball up on the horses' feet so that they could hardly stand, and we just poked along our way at a gait not a bit faster than a slow walk. We couldn't get along any faster, and it was no use a-beatin' the poor critters, for they was a-doin' all in their power, and a-strainin' every nerve to keep a-movin'.

"No, sir," he agreed at length, "what you says is perfekly true; there ain't nobody a-movin' about on that there vessel's decks. Question is, what's become of 'em? Be they down below? Or have they been swep' overboard?

You could see the niggers a-clippin' it away from the shore, for dear life, and the soldiers a-movin' about as if they thought that we were a-goin' to take the whole country. Presently a little half-starved orange-coloured lookin' Spanish officer, all dressed off in his livery, as fine as a fiddle, came off with two men in a boat to board us.

Josiah put out his arm anxiously, for I wuz indeed a-movin' backwards into a glass case of relics, and the great seen terminated. Miss Flanders and Elam had gone they shrunk from publicity. I guess they wuz afraid it wuz too great a job, the ceremony attendin' our givin' these noble foreigners the freedom of our native town. But they no need to. A willin' mind makes a light job.

"Where in the world are you going, Mrs. Peet?" I asked. "Can't be you ain't heared about me, dear?" said she. "Well, the world's bigger than I used to think 't was. I've broke up, 'twas the only thing to do, and I'm a-movin' to Shrewsbury." "To Shrewsbury? Have you sold the farm?" I exclaimed, with sorrow and surprise. Mrs.

I couldn't set by an' let you be plugged, could I? Hardly." "But " "'Tsall right, 'tsall right. Don't you worry any about me. I got a ace in the hole if the weather gets wet. But I wanna tell you this: If yo're bound to go on playin' the fool, keep a-movin' and walk round a lighted window like it's a swamp." She dodged past him and was gone. He made no move to follow.

But as he sot off, a-movin' backward in a polite way but swift, entirely onbeknown to him he come up aginst a big tree, and with a hopeless look of resignation he leaned up aginst it, while I, a-feelin' that Providence had interfered to give me another chance at him, advanced onwards, and sez to him in a real eloquent way, "That bill will do more than any amount of beggin', or jawin', or preachin', towards keepin' the boys to hum on the old deserted farms that are so thick in the country; and," sez I, "now that bill has fell out of his hands, I want you to take it up and pass it on to success."

'I've giv' 'em the slip; they thought I were too old for to go to sea, but I'll show 'em thar's plenty of life into me yet; git out all the starboard stunsails and see to it that she's kep' a-movin' night and day, for in sixteen days I expects to walk the pierhead in Liverpool. Well, sure enough, a-movin' she were kep', and I never seen harder carryin's on than I seen that passage; but we never lost a stitch of canvas, 'cause the old man not only knowed how to carry it, but he knowed how to take it off of her when it be to come off, and in a gale of wind he'd 'liven up wonderful, whereas in light weather he'd show his age.