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"Good day, good day," cried Miller, hastily, and glancing his eye a little curiously at our equipments. "What have you got in your box essences?" "Nein; vatches and drinkets;" setting down the box and opening it at once, for the inspection of all present. "Von't you burchase a goot vatch, dis bleasant mornin'?" "Be they ra-al gold?" asked Miller, a little doubtingly.

Nopody never said nodding bad about you. Everypody likes you, caus you is bleasant mit everypody." As he talked he drew his sleeve across his eyes, while his wife and daughter comforted me. I would board there and finish my school, then go to Butler and take the seminary, or a place in the common school. I saw no one as I passed my late home next morning.

His voice was the effortless deep bass of a church organ, and would disturb the tranquility of a gas flame fifty yards away. "They're wonderful pictures," said Barrow. "We've been examining them." "It is very bleasant dot you like dem," said Handel, the German, greatly pleased. "Und you, Herr Tracy, you haf peen bleased mit dem too, alretty?"

'Mark my vorts, said Darco, as they rolled along the country road towards the station at which they were to intercept the northward travelling Malle des Indes, 'you are dravelling to vame ant vorchune. 'Well,'said Paul, 'that's pleasant to know, isn't it, old Darco? 'It is very bleasant, returned Darco. 'You ant I are an iteal gouple. We fit each other like the two halves of a pear.