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Malibran believed in the efficacy of porter. She made her last appearances in opera in Balfe's Maid of Artois during the fall of 1836 in London.

There is not in this wide world a vallee. Great song of Julia Morkan's. Kept her voice up to the very last. Pupil of Michael Balfe's, wasn't she? He gazed after the last broad tunic. Nasty customers to tackle. Jack Power could a tale unfold: father a G man. If a fellow gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it hot and heavy in the bridewell.

Among other operas she appeared in Balfe's new work, "The Maid of Artois," which, in spite of its beautiful melody, has never kept its hold on the stage. Her Leonora in Beethoven's "Fidelio" was considered by many the peer of Mme. Schrôder-Devrient's grand performance. Her labors during this season were gigantic.

And afterwards, in the evening, she was kind enough to come to a box I had secured at the opera-house a building which is almost equal to La Scala and I had the delight of seeing Balfe's "The Talisman" acted, as well as of listening to the music. She was a woman of perfect self-reliance. She had seen men and women and places.

I do not recollect; but I remember that du Maurier's rendering of Balfe's "When other lips and other hearts," with my scratch accompaniment, was warmly greeted by all lips and hearts present. When these pleasant evenings had come to an end, the friendly intercourse was not allowed to drop, and so a number of sketches by her new friends found their way into Miss Clara's album.

I spose it was because that wulgar raskle Silvertop WOOD stay in the box. "Friday. I was sleeples all night. I gave went to my feelings in the folloring lines there's a hair out of Balfe's Hopera that she's fond of. I edapted them to that mellady. "She was in the droring-room alone with Lady B. She was wobbling at the pyanna as I hentered.