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Their happiest days had been those when, brought together by one of those country festivities known in Normandy as Assemblees, they could steal a glance at each other from afar. In the course of the last vacation Granville had twice seen Angelique, and her downcast eyes and drooping attitude had led him to suppose that she was crushed by some unknown tyranny.

His impetuous and impassioned eloquence is displayed in all his writings, which were collected and published under the title Recueil de Requetes et de Factums. The titles of some of his treatises will show how obnoxious they were to the ruling powers e.g., Heresie de la domination episcopale que l'on etablit en France, Protestation contre les assemblees du clerge de 1681, etc.

"Souvenirs sur Mirabeau, et sur les deux Premieres Assemblees Legislatives". Par Etienne Dumont, de Geneve: ouvrage posthume publie par M.J.L. Duval, Membre du Conseil Representatif du Canton du Geneve. 8vo. Paris: 1832. This is a very amusing and a very instructive book: but even if it were less amusing and less instructive, it would still be interesting as a relic of a wise and virtuous man.

"On ne peut pas admettre dans le developpement des langues aucune revolution artificielle et sciemment executee; il n'y a pour elles ni conciles, ni assemblees deliberantes; on ne les reforme pas comme une constitution vicieuse." Renan, De l'Origine du Langage, p 95. This is an old complaint. Puttenham sighs over such innovation in Elizabeth's time, and Carew in James's.

Assize courts were held twice a year, and more rarely assemblées contradictoires were held in which fiery politicians roundly denounced each other.

De Lucay, Les Assemblees provinciales, 29. The intendants were represented in their provinces by subordinate officers called sub-delegates, each one of whom ruled his petty district or election. These men were generally local lawyers or magistrates. Beside the intendant, we find in every province a royal governor. The powers of this official had gradually waned before those of his rival.

La Republique reste bourgeoise parce que le suffrage universel est trop defiant pour chercher des representants dans le sein de la classe la plus nombreuse. Mais il n'est pas difficile dans les choix qu'il fait dans les rangs d'une classe plus elevee. Le niveau intellectuel et moral des Assemblees qu'il elit s'abaisse a chaque renouvellement.