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Had my uncle Ro been a true son of peddling, he would have charged a dollar extra on each of the nineteen, and made eleven dollars by his present liberality. "It is no town at all only a township," returned the literal Seneca. "Did you expect it would be a city?" "Vat cares I? I woult radder sell my vatches to goot, honest, country men, dan asht to de best burghers in de land." "You're my man!

I understand no legal domicile, but lead a wandering life. Have you many of these watches for sale?" "Yees I haf asht many as twenty. Dey are as sheep as dirt, and go like pig clocks." "And what may be your price for this?" "Dat you can haf for only eight tollars. Effery poty wilt say it is golt, dat doesn't know petter."

"A Charmans ein Teutscher." "A German ine Tycher is the place you come from, I s'pose?" "Nein ein Teutscher isht a Charman." "Oh, yes! I understand. How long have you been in Ameriky?" "Twelf moont's." "Why, that's most long enough to make you citizens. Where do you live?" "Nowhere; I lifs jest asht it happens soometimes here, ant soometimes dere." "Ay, ay!

"Well, den, I isht no badroon, for I don't own no land at all, not even mine own; and I ishn't petter asht no poty at all." "Yes, you be; you've only to think so, and you'll be the greatest gentleman of 'em all." "Well, den, I will dry and dink so, and be petter asht de greatest shentlemans of dem all.

The king said, this morning, 'Vell, dere isht Bluevater; of him we are shure asht of ter sun. You stand excellently well there, to my great delight; and I need only say, be watchful and prompt. "Yours, with the most sincere faith and attachment, my dear Bluewater, &c., &c. "P. S. I have just heard that they have sent you the red riband. The king himself, was in this."

When I had crept within four yards of the throne, I raised myself gently upon my knees, and then striking my forehead seven times against the ground, I pronounced the following words, as they had been taught me the night before, Inckpling gloffthrobb squut serummblhiop mlashnalt zwin tnodbalkuffh slhiophad gurdlubh asht.