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As he resumed his work, he said, without lifting his eyes: "Seem' to me 'f I could make myself like any man in dat whole worl', I radder make myself like Bonaventure. And you?" She was so slow to answer that he looked at her. Even then she merely kept on sweeping her fingers slowly and idly back and forth on the table, and, glancing down upon them, said without enthusiasm: "Yass."

I vould radder sit town on von can of dynamite to sleep, yes I vould!" And he shook his curly head earnestly. "We won't have any pistols in this," broke in Tom, who felt like shuddering every time the incident was mentioned. "We'll just have skyrockets, and Roman candles, and pin-wheels, and all of the rest of the good old-fashioned things that is for the celebration on the outside."

But I mus' say dat I'd radder hab Boomerang dan dish yeah animal what I'm ridin'." "Oh, you'll do all right, Rad. Then, if we're all ready, forward march!" cried Tom, and with calls to their animals, the drivers started them off. Hardly had they begun the advance than Ned, who had been narrowly watching one of the natives, hurried up to Tom, and rapidly whispered something to his chum.

It is scarcely necessary to say all these considerations glanced through our minds so swiftly as to cause no very awkward or suspicious pause in the discourse. "B'rhaps dey doosn't like to bay rent?" put in my uncle, with a roughness of manner that was in accordance with the roughness of the sentiment. "Beoples might radder haf deir landts for nuttin', dan bay rents for dem."

"Is he dead?" "I don't know off he ish tet. Dey say he ish oud mid his het, und tat looksh mighty pad. But one ting ish goot; dey cotch de murterer." "They have?" asked Offitt, with languid interest. "What sort of fellow is he?" "Mutter Gottes!" said the little German. "De vorst kind. He would radder gill a man as drink a glass bier.

I'll tell you what, sir, Killall understands it; he'll sell dar hides for shoe leather radder dan let his niggars stand idle! When I hear dat, missy, my bery blood boil, and 'pears like I couldn't keep my hands off from de villain; but I know dat if I make any resistance, it fare all de worse wid Phillis, and I get sent to de whippin'-place, into de bargain; so I only grind my teeth, and look on, like I didn't know any better; but, missy, didn't I wish I white man den, jus' for de sake ob sabin' my wife and young uns? for I lib wid Phillis so long I couldn't help feeling 'tached to her.

"Oh," begged the girl, eagerly, "may n't I take it to him?" "Dat yo' may, honey," acceded the black, yielding to the spell of the lass. "Massa allus radder see a pooty face dan black ole Billy's. Jus' yo' run along with it, chile, an' s'prise him." Catching up the waiter, the maiden carried it to the parlour, which she entered after knocking, in response to Washington's behest.

God, and His Divine Son, and the Blessed Mother of Jesus have mercy on me if it be wrong; but I would far radder jump into the saa widout having the rude hands of man on me, than have the dreadful sight of the missus done over ag'in. It's a fearful thing is wather, and sometimes we have too little of it, and sometimes more than we want "

Had my uncle Ro been a true son of peddling, he would have charged a dollar extra on each of the nineteen, and made eleven dollars by his present liberality. "It is no town at all only a township," returned the literal Seneca. "Did you expect it would be a city?" "Vat cares I? I woult radder sell my vatches to goot, honest, country men, dan asht to de best burghers in de land." "You're my man!

So he replied a little doggedly: "Spooks does a heap ob quar tings, Miss Edie. I'd tink it was Massa Allen, ony I knows dat he neber hab a hoe in his hand all his life. I doesn't like it. I'd radder hab de weeds." "O Hannibal, Hannibal! I couldn't believe it of you. I'll go and see Malcom, just to satisfy you." Edith took her deed, and went first to Mr. Hard.