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"Ay, following my business," he answered, "so far." And he showed them a great snow-capped peak to the north. "Few ever go further." "Why not?" asked Godwin. "Because there begins the territory of the Sheik Al-je-bal" and he looked at them meaningly "whom," he added, "neither Christian nor Saracen visit without an invitation, which is seldom given." Again they inquired why not.

So, Godwin leading, while the multitude roared a welcome to the conquering Wulf who had borne himself so bravely for their pleasure, they rode to the mouth of the bridge and halted in the little space before the archway. There Al-je-bal spoke by Masouda. "A noble fray," he said. "I did not think that Franks could fight so well; Say, Sir Knight, will you feast with me in my palace?"

At present you are in favour with Sinan, who believes you to be the brothers of the lady Rosamund, not her lovers; but from the moment he learns the truth your doom is sealed. Now what the Frank Lozelle knows, that the Al-je-bal may know at any time and will know, if these should meet.

She was dressed in the rich robes of an Eastern lady, but the gems with which she had been adorned as the bride elect of Al-je-bal were gone; and when she lifted her veil the brethren saw that though her face was still somewhat pallid, her strength had come back to her, and the terror had left her eyes.

Within the wall was a city of which the white, flat-roofed houses climbed the slopes of the mountain, and on its crest a level space of land covered with trees and a great, many-towered castle surrounded by more houses. "Behold the home of Al-je-bal, Lord of the Mountain," said Masouda, "where we must sleep to-night. Now, brethren, listen to me.

"Oh!" she cried aloud, pointing to the corpses they hurled into the deep, "ill has it gone with these who stole me, and ill may it go with you also, servant of Al-je-bal." But the tall man answered nothing, as followed by the weeping Marie and the prince Hassan, he led her to the boat.

Why did I find you the best horses in Syria and guide you to the Al-je-bal? Why did I often dare death by torment for you there? Why did I save the three of you? And why, for all this weary while, have I who, after all, am nobly born become the mock of soldiers and the tire-woman of the princess of Baalbec? "Shall I answer?" she went on, laughing.

"Then I threw this cloak about her and bade her be brave, and, if we failed, to choose whether she would take Sinan or death for lord. Next, I took the ring you had, the Signet of the dead Al-je-bal, who gave it to your kinsman, and held it before the slaves, who bowed and let me pass. We came to the guards, and to them again I showed the ring.

They had not long to wait, for presently there was a sound of music, and, heralded by troops of singing women, the lord Sinan approached, walking slowly down the length of the great hall. It was a strange procession, for after the women came the aged, white robed dais, then the lord Al-je-bal himself, clad now in his blood-red, festal robe, and wearing jewels on his turban.

Well, as it chances, the secret is safe with me; but be wise; say nothing of that ring and let no eye see it." "Why not?" asked Godwin. "It is the token of our dead uncle to the Al-je-bal." She looked round her cautiously and replied: "Because it is, or was once, the great Signet, and a day may come when it will save your lives.