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It had been constructed by one Thomas Abington, a devoted recusant of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and the dwelling was a famous resort for those whose desire it was to conceal themselves from the authorities.

To Novar; back to Edinburgh and Kirklands, October 26th. Then to Abington on the 29th, and to Brougham amusing visit. I was asked to read Lord B.'s Memoirs, and dissuade him from publishing them. To Ambleside to see Harriet Martineau. Went over Old Park iron works. Home on November 11th. December 17th. We went to Chevening, and met there the Grotes, Milman, Lord Stanley, Scharf, and Hayward.

Reeve and Hopie desire to join in the cordial expression of their affectionate regard; and I remain Your most faithful servant, The Journal here notes: In August I left town for Ambleside and Abington, to shoot. Thence I went to the George R. Smiths', at Relugas; near Forres. Shot there, and then crossed the Moray Firth to Skibo and Uppat. Returned to town by sea from Aberdeen.

Parsons. Sir Benjamin Backbite Mr. Dodd. Rowley Mr. Aickin. Moses Mr. Baddeley. Trip Mr. Lamash. Snake Mr. Packer. Careless Mr. Farren. Sir Harry Bumper Mr. Gawdry. Lady Teazle Mrs. Abington. Maria Miss P. Hopkins Lady Sneerwell Miss Sherry. Mrs. Candor Miss Pope. The success of such a play, so acted, could not be doubtful.

The nearest auction blocks were Mt. Sterling, Kentucky and Gladdville, Virginia. Most slaves from the present Floyd County Territory were bought and sold through auction in southwest Virginia. Other auction blocks were at Abington and Bristol, Virginia. The negro dialect of this county is a combination of the dialect white folk use plus that of the negro of the South.

Deer shooting. 11th, to Keir; 16th, to Ormiston; then to Abington shooting there. To town on October 26th. Miss Handley died in October. She left me the Winkfield portion of the Bracknell estate, which was afterwards confirmed by a decree of the Master of the Rolls. November 13th. Dined at Sandbach's with the Queen of Holland, Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, Lady Eastlake, and Bishop Wilberforce.

In vain did the Duke of Orleans endeavor to explain and convince his irate host that he intended no disrespect. The weary travellers were compelled immediately to leave, and to seek hospitality elsewhere. Continuing their journey through a variety of adventures, some amusing and some painful, they passed through Staunton, Abington, and Knoxville, and reached Nashville, in Tennessee.

Now, my dear, do tell Lord Erskine some of those Irish stories you told us at Lord Charleville's. Mrs. Abington says you would make a famous actress, she does indeed. This is the Duchess of St. Albans she has your Wild Irish Girl by heart. Where is Sheridan? Oh, here he is; what, you know each other already? Tant mieux. Mr.

Her success was great; and in a short time she had taken such a hold of popular favor, that when Mrs. Abington returned for a brief period to the stage, Miss Betterton held her ground against the rival attraction, and even secured the admiration of Mrs. Abington herself.

Peabody; and to Glenquoich Ed. Ellice's. The Elchos, Sir F. and Lady Grey, and Lowe there. 31st. Excursion from Glenquoich to Loch Hourn. Then by Oban to Glasgow. Visit to the Belhavens at Wishaw, September 4th, and to Abington. Home on the 10th. September 15th. Torry Hill. Shooting there for some days. 17th. Mr. That excursion to Loch Hourn was his last. To Mr. Dempster