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I had a passion for all kinds of sport, and have had opportunities of gratifying it such as fall to the lot of few. After the shootings of Glenquoich and Invergarry were lost to me through the death of Mr. Ellice, I became almost the sole guest of Mr. Thistlethwayte for twelve years at his Highland shooting of Kinlochmohr, not very far from Fort William.

Torry Hill, September 21st. What a sudden and painful loss is this abrupt termination of the life of our kind friend at Glenquoich! It is scarcely three weeks since we left him in his usual health and spirits, and now as Evelyn says all is in the dust.... I have had an unpleasant accident, though thank God! not a serious one.

'May I speak to you in private? He showed the way to an unoccupied room. 'I think you know Mr. Ellice? 'Glenquoich, do you mean? 'Yes. 'Oh, very well he always stays here on his way through. 'I am his step-son; I left Glenquoich yesterday. I have lost my luggage, and am left without any money.

After an excellent breakfast, Brummell took a whip from his cupboard, and gave it to the Poodle in a way the young dog was not likely to forget. The happiest of my days then, and perhaps of my life, were spent at Mr. Ellice's Highland Lodge, at Glenquoich. For sport of all kinds it was and is difficult to surpass.

Before departing from my beloved Glenquoich, I must pay a passing tribute to the remarkable qualities of Mrs. Edward Ellice and of her youngest sister Mrs. Robert Ellice, the mother of the present member for St. Andrews. It was, in a great measure, the bright intelligence, the rare tact, and social gifts of these two ladies that made this beautiful Highland resort so attractive to all comers.

Peabody; and to Glenquoich Ed. Ellice's. The Elchos, Sir F. and Lady Grey, and Lowe there. 31st. Excursion from Glenquoich to Loch Hourn. Then by Oban to Glasgow. Visit to the Belhavens at Wishaw, September 4th, and to Abington. Home on the 10th. September 15th. Torry Hill. Shooting there for some days. 17th. Mr. That excursion to Loch Hourn was his last. To Mr. Dempster