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Baddeley, who was Bishop Morton's secretary and who prepared the narrative of the affair for the printer, says that the woman was freed by the inquest; Ryc. It is evident that Baddeley's story is the more trustworthy.

Baddeley, at length, pointing to one of the most highly finished paintings in the room. "I put three hundred on it at the Academy Exhibition," answered Percivale. "My friends thought it too little; but as it has been on my hands a long time now, and pictures don't rise in price in the keeping of the painter, I shouldn't mind taking two for it." "Two tens, I suppose you mean," said Mr. Baddeley.

Preface signed by Ryc. Baddeley. This is an account of a famous imposture. It is really a pamphlet against the Catholic exorcists. On pp. 45-54 is given a reprint of the Catholic account of the affair; on pp. 55-75 the exposure of the imposture is related. We can confirm this account by Arthur Wilson, Life and Reign of James I, 107-111, and by John Webster, Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, 274.

He lost his old friends without getting new ones. And his end ... Well, his end confirmed me in the conviction of the unwisdom of wearing a fur-lined coat before you are able, or disposed, to mould your life to the fur-lined standard. I started out the other day from Keswick with a rucksack on my back, a Baddeley in my pocket, and a companion by my side. I like a companion when I go a-walking.

Baddeley ... Parsons ... John Kemble. Baddeley, and the original Moses in the "School for Scandal." Of birth and feeling. Length of service. House of misrule. Hero of La Mancha. Compare a similar analysis of Don Quixote's character on page 264. Dodd. Lovegrove. The gardens of Gray's Inn.

'In these cases it is almost impossible to tell whether the patient is alive or dead. We must wait. Mrs. Baddeley, make a mustard plaster for his feet, and we will put another over the heart. And so they waited one hour, while the clock ticked and the mustard plasters gradually cooled. Then Tommy's lips parted. After another half-hour the doctor said: 'I must go now; I will come again at six.

The next day, Percivale had a visitor at the studio, no less a person than Mr. Baddeley, with his shirt-front in full blossom, and his diamond wallowing in light on his fifth finger, I cannot call it his little finger, for his hands were as huge as they were soft and white, hands descended of generations of laborious ones, but which had never themselves done any work beyond paddling in money.

'Expense is no object, said Miss Crofton. 'But would it not, though I seem to speak against my own interests, be the wisest, most honourable, and infinitely the least costly course, for Miss Baddeley openly to inform her suitors, three out of the four at least, of the actual posture of affairs?

When we reached Bolivar Square, we found the company waiting; and, as if for a rebuke to us, the butler announced dinner the moment we entered. I was seated between Mr. Morley and a friend of his who took me down, Mr. Baddeley, a portly gentleman, with an expanse of snowy shirt from which flashed three diamond studs.

It irritated me rather that he should talk to me, a married woman, as to a little girl who did not know how to behave herself; but his patronage of my husband displeased me far more, and I was on the point of committing the terrible blunder of asking Mr. Baddeley if he had any poor relations; but I checked myself in time, and prayed to know whether he was a member of Parliament.