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He had the same eyebrows and pince-nez and the same motherly look. "Jackson?" he said mildly. "Yes, sir." "I am very glad to see you, very glad indeed. Perhaps you would like a cup of tea after your journey. I think you might like a cup of tea. You come from Crofton, in Shropshire, I understand, Jackson, near Brindleford? It is a part of the country which I have always wished to visit.

Hugh had not learned half that he wanted to know, and his little head was full of wonder and mysterious notions, when the holidays came to an end, and Philip had to go away. From that day Hugh was heard to talk less of Spain, and the sea, and desert islands, and more of the Crofton boys; and his play with little Harry was all of being at school. At his lessons, meantime, he did not improve at all.

Enid Crofton had put on a white serge skirt, and a white woolen jumper, the only concession to her new widowhood being that the white jumper was bordered in pale grey of a shade that matched her shoes and stockings. Though her anxious surveys of herself had been reassuring, she felt nervous, and a trifle despondent. She did not like the country the stillness even of village life got on her nerves.

Since the War we have not been able to afford lobsters, but a kind friend sent us six from Littlehampton yesterday, so I at once thought of our dear old lobster pie!" Mrs. Crofton declared that, far from minding, she adored lobsters!

"And how old may she be?" "Her husband was a Colonel Crofton, so I suppose she's middle-aged. She's only been a widow three months if as long." Janet Tosswill waited till Dr. O'Farrell was well away, and then she began walking down the broad corridor which divided Old Place.

This from Timmy, who was always allowed to sit up to dinner. His brothers and sisters were too fond of their step-mother to say how absurdly uncalled-for they thought this privilege. As everyone pretended not to have heard his remark, Timmy repeated obstinately: "I shall only wash my hands." "Mrs. Crofton won't care how you look," observed Jack irritably.

An inquest of the kind that was held on Colonel Crofton is a godsend to any local sheet, and Radmore saw at a glance that this county paper had made the most of it. "Will you read it here, if you're not in a hurry? I don't want it taken away; so while you're reading it, I'll go and do some potting over there."

"Though many would prefer the freedom of an inn, I admire your good taste in taking advantage of the opportunity offered you to pass your time in the society of refined, right-minded persons like Mrs Crofton and her daughter." Our hero spent a few happy days with the kind widow and Mary, who both evidently took a warm interest in his welfare.

"Oh, yes, I do only he doesn't talk much to me. I sit and listen to their discussions and jump up to wait on them so often that I sometimes lose the thread." "The duffer! Why doesn't he get up and wait on you?" Georgiana laughed. "Jimps, we're going to have another guest." "Another man?" The question came quickly. "Not at all. A girl my cousin, Jeannette Crofton.

"No, they were wrong," answered Bill. "I was then what I told you, but I am now a midshipman." He then gave an account to Pierre of how he had been promoted. Their conversation was interrupted by the return of Mrs Crofton and Mary with some food for their patient, as the doctor had told Mr Saltwell that he should be fed often, though with but little at a time.