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"With pleasure, sah It's a pleasure for me to he'p people find a place dey'd never find without help no not whilst they're a-workin' the life out of innocent tots an' babes " Kingsley flushed hot, angered: "What do you mean, old woman?"

"Ye 'pear powerful busy a-workin' hyar so late in the night," he exclaimed with a jocose intonation.

So consequently after supper wuz out of the way, and the work done up, I tackled him. He wuz jest a-countin' out his money prior to puttin' it away in his tin box, and I laid the subject before him strong and eloquent, jest the wants and needs of the meetin' house, and jest how hard we female sisters wuz a-workin', and jest how much we needed some money to buy our ingregiencies with for the fair.

I was sick, an' he hired Widow Maloney to tend me while he was a-workin', and when I got well he got me this place a-pickin' slate in the breaker." "But, Ralph, where had you come from when Billy found you?" "Well, now, I'll tell you all I know about it. The first thing 'at I 'member is 'at I was a-livin' with Gran'pa Simon in Philadelphy.

"He aint a-workin' things right," said Douglass; "he aint a- workin' things right; he's takin' hold o' everything by the tail end. He aint studied the business; he doesn't know when things is right, and he doesn't know when things is wrong; and if they're wrong, he don't know how to set 'em right.

Well, sah, I didn' see no moah ob 'im den; but dat ebenin' I'd ben a-workin' roun' de house, sprinklin' de grass and gettin' ready foh de nex' day, when I happens to pass by de side dooh, an' I sees dem two men comm' out togedder." "What time was this, Uncle Mose?" the coroner asked, quickly.

"Why, Mother," he said, "how is it as Father's working so late?" "It's none o' thy feyther as is a-workin' thee might know that well anoof if thy head warna full o' chapellin' it's thy brother as does iverything, for there's niver nobody else i' th' way to do nothin'."

"Ain't that a fine description of bees a-workin'? 'The singing masons building roofs of gold! Puts 'em right before yu', and is poetry without bein' foolish. His Holiness and his Grace. Well, they could not hire me for either o' those positions. How many religions are there?" "All over the earth?" "Yu' can begin with ourselves. Right hyeh at home I know there's Romanists, and Episcopals "

Raisins is mighty good, but let 'em buy their own, says I. And don't you be doin' nothin' but restin', ma'am, while I'm gone. If I'm off enjoyin' myself 'tain't fair as you should be up here a-workin'. There's not much to be done anyway, but I'll get through with it," he ended with a smile. Away went Pat, stepping jauntily with his basket on his arm.

"His name was Jim Rankin an' he lived out on a plantation over in Marion County. I was born an' raised on his place. I spec I was 'bout twelve year old at the time o' the war. "Old man Rankin worked us like animals. He had a right smart plantation an' kep' all his Niggers, 'cept one house boy, out in the fiel' a-workin'. He'd say, 'Niggers is meant to work.