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'And the raight on't too, said Mr. Bates, 'for she hasn't the cut of a gell as must work for her bread; she's as nesh an' dilicate as a paich-blossom welly laike a linnet, wi' on'y joost body anoof to hold her voice. But long before Tina had reached this stage of her history, a new era had begun for her, in the arrival of a younger companion than any she had hitherto known.

Bellamy, 'we shall be pisoned wi' lime an' plaster, an' hev the house full o' workmen colloguing wi' the maids, an' makin' no end o' mischief. 'That ye may ley your life on, Mrs. Bellamy, said Mr. Bates. 'Howiver, I'll noot denay that the Goothic stayle's prithy anoof, an' it's woonderful how near them stoon-carvers cuts oot the shapes o' the pine apples, an' shamrucks, an' rooses.

'Th' yoong men noo-a-deys, the're poor squashy things the' looke well anoof, but the' woon't wear, the' woon't wear. Theer's ne'er un'll carry his 'ears like that Sir Cris'fer Chuvrell. 'Ull bet ye two pots, said another of the seniors, 'as that yoongster a-walkin' wi' th' parson's wife 'll be Sir Cris'fer's son he fevours him.

Though I hevn't thanked ye half anoof for the comfiter the wrapraskil, as they call't. My feckins, it's a beauty. But ye look very whaite and sadly, Miss Tiny; I doubt ye're poorly; an' this walking i' th' wet isn't good for ye. 'O yes, it is indeed, said Caterina, hastening out, and taking up her umbrella from the kitchen floor. 'I must really go now; so good-bye.

Nay, she'll say nothin'. It's on'y the men as have to wait till folks say things afore they find 'em out." "Well, but what makes thee think so, Mother? What's put it into thy head?" "It's no matter what's put it into my head. My head's none so hollow as it must get in, an' nought to put it there. I know she's fond on him, as I know th' wind's comin' in at the door, an' that's anoof.

"Why, Mother," he said, "how is it as Father's working so late?" "It's none o' thy feyther as is a-workin' thee might know that well anoof if thy head warna full o' chapellin' it's thy brother as does iverything, for there's niver nobody else i' th' way to do nothin'."