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It was always funny when Fibsy interlarded his talk with legal phrases, but he was unconscious of any incongruity and went on: "You see, as I dope it out, she's accustomed to sit in Miss Van Allen's boodore a-sewin' an' might have overheard some gossip or sumpum like that, an' Miss Van Allen was afraid she'd scatter it, an' so she sent Julie to shut her up.

"Dat frock mo'ns all right, now de black bows is on it." "You kin put any colored frock in mo'nin' 'cep'n' a red one. Sew black on red, an' it laughs in yo' face." "I'm a-sewin' de black fringe on de josey, Sis Jones, 'case fringe hit mo'ns a heap mo'nfuler 'n ribbon do."

Ricollec' Jedge Robinson, he used to have one of 'em jest about the size o' this one two goblets an' a bowl an' when I'd go up to the house on a errand for pa, time pa was distric' coroner, the jedge's mother-in-law, ol' Mis' Meredy, she'd be settin' in the back room a-sewin, an' when the black gal would let me in the front door she'd sort o' whisper: 'Invite him to walk into the parlor and be seated. I'd overhear her say it, an' I'd turn into the parlor, an' first thing I'd see'd be that ice-pitcher.

And I sez, "You won't catch me a-sewin' by it, a-blowin' me away one minute, and then stoppin' stun-still the next;" and sez I, "How could we be elevated by it? blow us half way upstairs, and then go down, and drop us. We shouldn't live through it a week, even if you could git the machinery a-runnin'."

Whittaker, your ma, over there a-sewin', and old Cap'n Cy your granddad snoozin' in that big armchair Why! why, whit! it's the very image of the chair he always set in!" Captain Cy laughed aloud. 'Twas up attic, all busted and crippled, but I had it made over like new.

Bascom, delightedly; "you don't say so!" "Yes," said Polly, skipping around the old lady, and giving her a small hug; "and we're going to give her a surprise." "What is the matter with her eyes?" asked grandma, sharply, turning around and facing her; "she's been a-sewin' too stiddy, hain't she?"