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Josey Letherbarrow was for walkin' up to the Manor an' seein' Miss Vancourt herself, as soon as iver she gets within her own door, but Lord love ye, he'd take 'arf a day to jog up there on such feet as he's got left after long wear and tear, an' there ain't no liftin' 'im into a cart nohow.

"Is there any thing?" said Josey. "Yes, thousands of animals, all covered up in the snow, mice in the ground, and squirrels in the hollow logs, and millions of insects, frozen up in the bark of the dead trees." "And they'll be covered up deeper before morning," said Josey. "Yes," said Jonas, "and so would our rafters, if we didn't get them out.

Josey was in and out of my small house continually: but for her father and mother, I think she would have stayed with me from choice. Rare letters came from Frank, and were always reported to me, but, of course, never shown.

Noble creatures were they in their splendid girth and broadly-stretching branches, which were now all alive with the palest and prettiest young green, and as Walden sprang up the thyme-scented turfy ascent which lifted them proudly above all their compeers, his heart beat with mingled indignation and gladness, indignation that such grand creations of a bountiful Providence should ever have been so much as threatened with annihilation by a destructive, ill-conditioned human pigmy like Oliver Leach, and gladness, that at the last moment their safety was assured through the intervention of old Josey Letherbarrow.

"Ah, my beauty, gone away," repeated Josey, with a curious sort of placid satisfaction "Passon, he be lookin' downhearted like, an' a change o' scene 'ull do 'im good mebbe, an' bring 'im back all the better for it. He came an' said good-bye to me this marnin'." Maryllia stood for a moment irresolute. Why had he gone away? Her brows met in a little puckered line of puzzled wonder.

"That's a dear!" said diplomatic Josey, and only casting down her eyes a little and blushing occasionally, Emily Owen told the story of her love and her persecutions of her father's pride and prejudice of Aunt Martha's sympathy of the relations borne towards the family by the young printer and Col.

"Now," said Jonas, "I'll look around a little, just to see that there are none left behind." "O, no, I wouldn't," said Josey; "let us go. We've got them all, I know." "I want to be sure," said Jonas, "and make thorough work of it." So saying, he began wading about in the snow, to see if he could find any more rafters. He, however, soon satisfied himself that they were all upon the sled.

So the kind scheme of the two elders was, that their young ones should marry and be happy ever after, like the Prince and Princess of the Fairy Tale: and dear Mrs. Mack was content to forgo her own chances so that her darling Rosey might be happy. We used to laugh and say, that as soon as Clive's father was gone, Josey would be sent for to join Rosey.

It was unnecessary, and it would certainly be inhuman, to irritate old Josey Letherbarrow, considering Ms great age and various infirmities. "We was jest a-sayin' a word or two about the Five Sisters " began Adam Frost. "Ay! ay!" said Josey; "That ye may do and no 'arm come of it; I knows 'em well! Five of the finest beech-trees in all England! Ay! ay! th' owld Squire was main proud of 'em "

I'll see ye Sunday if I ain't gone to glory!" Walden pulled open the garden gate to shake hands with the old man, and to kiss Ipsie who, as he lifted her up in his arms, caressed his cheeks with her two dumpy hands. "Has 'oo seen my lady-love?" she asked, in a crooning whisper "My bootiful white lady-love?" Walden looked at Josey perplexedly.