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Bob, lad, what's to be done?" "'Bout what?" came back from the wheel. "Air we to let 'em pitch us overboard, or air we to jyne?" "Jyne," growled Bob Hampton. "Jyne it is, messmet," said Dumlow, in his low growling tone. "Here, unlash these blessed ropes, they're a-cuttin' into my arms like hooroar." "And you'll join us too, Barney?" said Jarette. "I does same as my two mates," said Blane.

I guess hour little Buttons was very near turned away for saying we was at home to him I guess a footman's place is to keep his mouth hopen no, his heyes hopen and his mouth shut. Lackey. I think Thomis is in love, Thomis is. Who was that young woman I saw you a-dancing of at the Showmier, Thomis? How the young Marquis was a-cuttin' of it about there!

An' we've sure been a-comin' polin', linin' up, and portagin'. But the falls'll stick 'em a solid week. That's where I left 'em a-cuttin' a trail over the tops of the bluffs for the boats. I just had a sure natural hunch to keep a-comin'. So I fills a pack with grub an' starts. I knew I'd find you a-driftin' an' all in." Smoke nodded, and put forth his hand in a silent grip.

"Well, I declare," said Dan, and after a moment, "how did you get away, man?" "Lawd, Lawd," returned Big Abel, "I wa'n' bo'n yestiddy nur de day befo'. Terreckly I seed you a-cuttin' up de drive, I knowed dar wuz mo' den wuz in de tail er de eye, en w'en you des lit right out agin en bang de do' behint you fitten ter bus' hit, den I begin ter steddy 'bout de close in de big wa'drobe.

But it wuz mighty hard wuk; fer of all de sweekin', en moanin', en groanin', dat log done it w'iles de saw wuz a-cuttin' thoo it. De saw wuz one er dese yer ole-timey, up-en-down saws, en hit tuk longer dem days ter saw a log 'en it do now. Dey greased de saw, but dat did n' stop de fuss; hit kep' right on, tel fin'ly dey got de log all sawed up.

Mahch, if you an' me was on'y in cahoots! En we kin be, seh, we kin why, hafe o' yo' lan's 'u'd be public lan's in no time, an' the res' 'u'd belong to a stawk comp'ny, an' me'n' you 'u'd be a-cuttin' off kewponds an' a-drivin' fas' hawses an' a-drinkin' champagne suppuz, an' champagne faw ow real frien's an' real pain faw ow sham frien's, an' plenty o' both kine thah goes Majo' Gyarnit's kerrige to him."

"Said, where is a seat?" "He wants a seat." "Can't the brasted fool sit on a 'ouse or somethin'?" "What are ye for, ye swarming little people? What are ye all doing, what are ye all for? "What are ye doing up here, ye swarming little people, while I'm a-cuttin' chalk for ye, down in the chalk pits there?"

Now, as a disinterested man, I say if the members of the House of Assembly, instead of raisin' up ghosts and hobgoblins to frighten folks with, and to show what swordsmen they be, a-cuttin' and a-thrustin' at those phantoms that only exist in their own brains, would turn to, heart and hand, and develop the resources of this fine country, facilitate the means of transport, promote its internal improvement, and encourage its foreign trade, they would make it the richest and greatest, as it now is one of the happiest sections of all America.

But it wuz mighty hard wuk; fer of all de sweekin', en moanin', en groanin', dat log done it w'iles de saw wuz a-cuttin' thoo it. De saw wuz one er dese yer ole-timey, up-en-down saws, en hit tuk longer dem days ter saw a log 'en it do now. Dey greased de saw, but dat didn' stop de fuss; hit kep' right on, tel finely dey got de log all sawed up.

"The Stevedores' Union." "But Mrs. Grogan is doing it for thirty," said Babcock, looking straight into McGaw's eyes, and speaking slowly and deliberately. "Yis, I heared she wuz a-cuttin' rates; but she can't live at it. If I does it, it'll be done roight, an' no throuble." "I'll think it over," said Babcock quietly, turning on his heel.