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"And what if I am? I'd chop off their 'eads, I tell ye, with j'y and gusto!" "And pray where is Clemency?" "Eh?" exclaimed the little cobbler, pushing up his horn spectacles, "'oo did ye say?" "Where is the lady who came in here a moment ago?" "Lady?" said the cobbler, shaking his round, bald head, "Lord, sir, your heyes 'as been a-deceiving of you!" "I am her friend!"

"Beggin' your pardon, sir, if you use your heyes you'll see there's nobody livin' there, don't you know!" "I knocked lest offense be given. How can I get in?" "You might go in through the keyhole, sir, or down the chimney. You seem to be a little daft, sir, don't you know! But if you must get in, perhaps it would be as well to go over to Mrs.

If you could see their heyes you might 'ave a guess what they was a thinkin' of; an' then it is so orkard not knowin' w'ich end of the 'airy bundle is the bitin' end, you can't help bein' nervish a little."

Now glancin' t'left of piece you'll per-ceive slight darkening of riflin's. Now casting your heyes right forrard you'll re-mark slight roughening of riflin's towards muzzle of piece and there y'are, sir. One hundred and twenty-seven times she's been fired by my 'and and good for as many more both of us. Arternoon, gentlemen, and thank ye!"

Ven they meets hagain she'll thank him with heyes an' 'and, better than hany vords 'ere hon the street. He vas too bright a chap to take his thanks in this 'ere public place." To their surprise, Mildred raised her head, and replied, in strong protest, "You do him wrong, Mrs. Wheaton. He was so modest and manly that he wished to escape all thanks.

I guess hour little Buttons was very near turned away for saying we was at home to him I guess a footman's place is to keep his mouth hopen no, his heyes hopen and his mouth shut. Lackey. I think Thomis is in love, Thomis is. Who was that young woman I saw you a-dancing of at the Showmier, Thomis? How the young Marquis was a-cuttin' of it about there!

He told me, in his quaint speech, how again and again she had taken him in and nursed him, and encouraged him, and sent him out with a new heart for his battle, until, for very shame's sake at his own miserable weakness, he had kept out of her way for many months, going steadily down. It's 'er heyes. When them heyes says "do," hup you steps and "does."

Oh, Gord! Hit almost caught me, sir. Hi'm has good as dead; Hi'm a marked man; that's wot Hi ham. Hit was a-goin' for to carry me horf, sir." "Stuff and nonsense," snapped Bradley. "Did you get a good look at it?" Tippet said that he did a much better look than he wanted. The thing had almost clutched him, and he had looked straight into its eyes "dead heyes in a dead face," he had described them.

I've caught 'em with their thimbles on, hot with sewing, and now they drop 'em into their pockets or anywhere. They'd lose a job if they peeped, and so there's never much to be done for 'em. But why a woman can't make a coat is what I study over. Did you ever think it out, ma'am? Is it their 'ands or their heyes that isn't hup to it?"

Though other settlements were attempted, it was forty years before any of them became permanent. Cape May, a territory sixteen miles square, which Captain Heyes bought of the Indians, all the time remained an uncultivated wilderness, yielding the products of its salt meadows to the browsing deer.