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For looking from childhood into this livid glass that reflected their world, they have peopled it with strange spirits. Men and women in the real world recognise the awful power of these spirits, without understanding them, not having been brought up themselves in front of this mirror. But the survivor knows the mirror too well. "Mademoiselle, vous etes triste." "Monsieur, j'en ai bien le droit."

Now you have got another Napoleon." "And I want change for my Napoleon," said De Breze, laughing. "My dear Vicomte," said Graham, "one thing we may all grant, that in culture and intellect you are far superior to the mass of your fellow Parisians; that you are therefore a favourable type of their political character." "Ah, mon cher, vous etes trop aimable."

Tell them frankly, 'que vous cherchez a vous former, que vous etes en mains de maitres, s'ils veulent bien s'en donner la peine'. Your profession has this agreeable peculiarity in it, which is, that it is connected with, and promoted by pleasures; and it is the only one in which a thorough knowledge of the world, polite manners, and an engaging address, are absolutely necessary.

Meanwhile the dialogue continued. "Vous êtes d'Alsace, n'est-ce-pas?" asked the Frenchman, kindly supposing that Mike's French savored of Strasburg. "Oh, blessed Virgin! av I might shoot him," was the muttered reply. Before I had time to see the effect of the last speech, I pressed forward with a bold spring, and felled the Frenchman to the earth.

He hardened at the sight of those tears; they made him feel that he could leave her with more dignity, more firmness in his own mind, than he had ever thought would be possible. "Vous pleurez et vous êtes roi?" He hardly knew that he had muttered the words as he so often muttered a quotation to himself. But Rose did not hear them.

"Yes, sir; the day before yesterday. He was going off for a fortnight or three weeks into the country to paint a portrait of some priest a bishop, I think." July 15th. "Midi, roi des etes." I know by heart that poem by "Monsieur le Comte de l'Isle," as my Uncle Mouillard calls him. Its lines chime in my ears every day when I return from luncheon to the office I have left an hour before.

I I never was so spoken to bef by any of my my by any body" she sobbed out, with much simplicity. "Any body!" shouted out Pen, with a savage burst of laughter, and Blanche blushed one of the most genuine blushes which her cheek had ever exhibited, and she cried out, "O, Arthur, vous etes un homme terrible!"

A tutor chez ce marchand, s'il existe pourtant ce marchand.... But how drenched you are, Lise " he cried, jumping on to his feet, feeling that his knees too were soaked by the wet earth. "And how is it possible... you are in such a dress... and on foot, and in these fields?... You are crying! Vous etes malheureuse. Bah, I did hear something.... But where have you come from now?"

When Pen came up to Lady Clavering's carriage, he had to push his way through a crowd of these young bucks who were paying their court to Miss Amory, in order to arrive as near that young lady, who beckoned him by many pretty signals to her side. "Je lay vue," she said; "Elle a de bien beaux yeux; vous etes un monster!" "Why monster?" said Pen, with a laugh; "Hone suit qui mal y peens.

"Ainsi, Monsieur, vous connaissez notre cher de Lafayette" (she hated and feared him) "et tout jeune que vous êtes vous avez déj