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I I never was so spoken to before by any of my my by anybody" she sobbed out, with much simplicity. "Anybody!" shouted out Pen, with a savage burst of laughter, and Blanche blushed one of the most genuine blushes which her cheek had ever exhibited, and she cried out, "O Arthur, vous etes un homme terrible!"

But she had not dared return to her room, for fear of finding Carron there. If only she had had a father "Vous etes roublée, ma fille," said Joyselle, suddenly taking one of her hands in his befurred ones; "what has happened? Can you not think of me as your old papa, and tell me?" She started, half-frightened, half angry. "I am not troubled, M. Joyselle," she returned, in French.

Before he left Paris Madame de Staël was able to see him, and with her he had an interesting conversation in which she said of America, "Vous êtes l'avant garde du genre humain, vous êtes l'avenir du monde," and made two or three brilliant speeches, at which he noticed her glow of animation. At the same place he also met Chateaubriand and Madame Récamier, between whom he sat at dinner.

"Monsieur ... vous etes de retour ... mais, soyez le bienvenu!" she stammered, with surprise unconsciously lapsing into the language of childhood. Then she caught herself up with a little laugh of confusion and hurried on in English: "I am so sorry ... there is nobody in but me. Will you have some tea? It is only three o'clock," with a glance at her wrist, "but I expect you lunched early."

"Vous êtes belle, et votre soeur est belle; Entre vous deux, tout choix serait bien doux. L'Amour êtait blond, comme vous, Mais il aimait une brune, comme elle." They had beautiful figures as well as faces, and dressed peculiarly and so as to display them to the greatest advantage.

"Vous êtes bien aimable, Mademoiselle Jeanne," said Doggie, sitting down on a straight-backed chair by the oilcloth-covered kitchen table which was between them. "May I move the lamp slightly?" he asked, for it hid her from his view. He moved it somewhat to her left. It threw shadows over her features, accentuating their appealing sadness.

He had had enough of those large entertainments, and preferred the simplicity of the home circle. "I always think a dinner's the best the second day," said Lady Clavering, thinking to mend her first speech. "On the 14th we'll be quite a snug little party;" at which second blunder, Miss Blanche clasped her hands in despair, and said "O, mamma, vous etes incorrigible."

"If I go alone, they won't serve me because they know I can't pay. If I go in with you, they'll give me everything they've got on the supposition that you will pay the bill. Come! En avant!" "Vous etes un bouchonnier, vraiment!" said Barras, with a laugh. "A what?" asked Napoleon, not familiar with the idiom. "A corker!" explained Barras. "Very good," said Napoleon, his face lighting up.

Now you have got another Napoleon." "And I want change for my Napoleon," said De Breze, laughing. "My dear Vicomte," said Graham, "one thing we may all grant, that in culture and intellect you are far superior to the mass of your fellow Parisians; that you are therefore a favourable type of their political character." "Ah, mon cher, vous etes trop aimable."

"I put a pair of silver dollars into the old man's purse to keep company with his three dimes and one nickel. It made them look like orphans that had found a home. 'Mon Dieu! Monsieur, vous etes un ange du ciel. Merci. Thank you. 'But you must give me your address and let me send back the money!