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"Vous etes, uh-ah, l'Am-e-ri-cain?" "Je suis Americain," I admitted. "Eh-bi-en uh-ah uh-ah We were expecting you." He surveyed me with great interest. Behind this seedy and restless personage I noted his absolute likeness, adorning one of the walls. The rooster was faithfully depicted a la Rembrandt at half-length in the stirring guise of a fencer, foil in hand, and wearing enormous gloves.

He waited a moment "Etes vous Francais?" I gave him no answer. He then addressed me in German "Sprechen sie geldufig Deutsch?" "Why," chimed in my conductor, "he does speak a little French indifferently enough; but still"

I am tempted to quote Théophile's impromptu reply to a man who asserted that all poets were fools: "Oui, je l'avoue avec vous Que tous les poêtes sont fous; Mais sachant ce que vous êtes Tous les fous ne sont pas poêtes."

Both their Majesties complimented the Marquis, and thanked us all separately for the pleasure they had had and the trouble we had given ourselves. The Emperor said to me, "Vous vous etes surpassee ce soir." I courtesied and asked him what he thought of the music. He hesitated before answering.

Gentilshommes, have de goodness to make de face to de right par file, dat is, by files. Marsh! Mais tres bien encore, Messieurs; il faut vous mettre a la marche...Marchez donc, au nom de Dieu, parceque j'ai oublie le mot Anglois mais vous etes des braves gens, et me comprenez tres bien. The Count next hastened to put the cavalry in motion.

The woman remained for a long time unmoving against the shutter of the shop-window. Finally she was awakened into life by a voice speaking to her. It was a soft, foreign voice that lisped the liquid accents of the occasional English words: "Ma pauvre femme!" it said; "come with me. Vous etes malade!" The woman followed mechanically in a sort of wonder.

It is well, Mademoiselle; such is our reward in this life." "Et vous, Mademoiselle? vous etes proprette et douillette, et affreusement insensible, par-dessus le marche." "But, in short, Monsieur, now I think of it, you must live somewhere? Do tell me where; and what establishment of servants do you keep?"

"Vous fiers Anglois Barbares que vous êtes Coupez la tête aux rois Et la queue

Oh je vous connais. Vous êtes George Polin et Celestine Macrou. Sales voleurs. Allez-vous-ong ou j'appelle la police." But the last few words were shouted to the swiftly retiring backs of the pathetic couple. "I've saved you two hundred francs," said the burly Englishman, picking up his magazine and tenderly smoothing it. "Those two are the most accomplished swindlers in this den of thieves."

Some to whom I spoke did not understand me; those who understood told me that there was no inn in the place that there was no one who could give me a meal. One of them must have thought that I was begging my way, or was exceedingly hard up, for she said: 'Ah! mon pauvre ami, vous etes dans un malheureux pays. Continuing, I came to a village which was not shown on my map.