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"'Vous etes un très bel Anglais, mon vieux, she cried, coquettishly setting her head on one side and glancing first at him and then at me." "The cat!" cried Edith. "She evidently thought you good-looking, Jack." Talbot blushed and laughed at the involuntary slip. "I am not responsible for her opinions," he said. "I am simply telling you what happened.

It is the last great moral power and may restore the peace of Europe. M. Thiers delivered a brief harangue in favour of the principles of the Revolution, which, he declared, were the very marrow of all Frenchmen; yet, he added, he had always supported the Temporal Power of the Pope. 'Mais, M. Thiers, said Manning, 'vous etes effectivement croyant. 'En Dieu, replied M. Thiers.

'That's all right, thought Soames, watching her lips, 'only she's pretty cynical. His knowledge of French was not yet such as to make him grieve that she had not said 'tu. He slipped his arm round her, and murmured with an effort: "Et vous etes ma belle femme." Annette went off into a little fit of laughter. "Oh, non!" she said. "Oh, non! ne parlez pas Francais, Soames.

Adele came running to meet us in the hall, exclaiming "Mesdames, vous etes servies!" adding, "J'ai bien faim, moi!" We found dinner ready, and waiting for us in Mrs. Fairfax's room. The promise of a smooth career, which my first calm introduction to Thornfield Hall seemed to pledge, was not belied on a longer acquaintance with the place and its inmates. Mrs.

Hope quite alone he showed the house to Honora and Fanny while I sat with Mrs. Hope. On St. Patrick's Day, by appointment to the Duchess of Wellington, nothing could be more like Kitty Pakenham; a plate of shamrocks on the table, and as she came forward to meet me, she gave a bunch to me, pressing my hand and saying in a low voice with her sweet smile, Vous en etes digne.

Strongly moved by the calm audacity of the magistrate the ruffian, who had seized the knife with menacing vivacity, now set it down upon the table, and with a faltering voice said, "Vous etes un brave, citoyen!" then after a pause, "I am a lost man it's all up with me; but you shall know all."

They applied to Carrier, as being best acquainted with their distress, and were answered in this language: "Demandez, pour Nantes! je solliciterai qu'on porte le fer et la flamme dans cette abominable ville. Vous etes tous des coquins, des contre- revolutionnaires, des brigands, des scelerats, je ferai nommer une commission par la Convention Nationale.

"Il y a longtemps que je cachais au fonds de mon coeur le désir de posséder votre portrait, qui, interressant pour le monde, est devenu précieux pour moi, puisque j'ai le plaisir de vous connaître telle que vous êtes, bonne, simple, bienveillante, et loin de tout ce qui effroie et eloigne des reputations litéraires. Je remercie M. Hervieu de Tavoir fait aussi ressemblant. Et je vous assure, chère Madame Trollope, que rien ne pouvait me toucher aussi vivement et me faire autant de plaisir que ce souvenir venant de vous, qui me rappelera sans cesse les bons moments que j'ai eu la satisfaction de passer avec vous et qui resteront

'Vous etes les gens qu'il faut pour les Kanaques; vous etes doux, vous et votre famille; vous seriez obeis dans toutes les iles. We had been civil; not always that, my conscience told me, and never anything beyond; and all this to-do is a measure, not of our considerateness, but of the want of it in others.

After seeing it, Diderot ran off to the author to embrace him, with many tears of joyful sympathy and gratitude. Sedaine, like Lillo, the author of Diderot's favourite play of George Barnwell, was a plain tradesman, and the success of his libretti for comic operas had not spoiled him. He could find no more expansive words for his excited admirer than "Ah, Monsieur Diderot, que vous étes beau!"