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Cap'n, he et hearty o' pie lately. Stew'd he say, 'Cap'n ain't had but one piece and Mistah Thomas, he ain't had but one piece, and Mistah Hamlin, he ain't had any. Dah's gotta be pie. You done et dat pie yo'se'f, says he. 'Oh, no, says Ah. 'Ah never et no pie. You fo'get 'bout dat pie you give Cap'n foh breakfas'. Den stew'd he done crawl out. He don' know Ah make two pies yestidday.

After a little he went on: "An' we hain't made no master progress yit to'rds diskiverin' who shot at old Jim, nuther. Thet's been frettin' me consid'rable, too." "War thet why ye rid over ter Jim's house yestidday?" she inquired, and Parish nodded his head. "Me an' Sim Squires an' old Jim hisself war a-seekin' ter figger hit out but we didn't git no light on ther matter."

Lem saddled him, paying particular attention to the cinch. "Reckon we'd better not cinch him tight," said Lem. "You jest be careful an' remember your saddle's loose." "All right, Lem," replied Columbine, as she mounted. "Where are the boys this morning?" "Blud an' Jim air repairin' fence up the crick." "And where's Ben?" "Ben? Oh, you mean Wade. Wal, I 'ain't seen him since yestidday.

'Twarn't very likely dat he would, but dar was dat one leetle chance, an' he done took it. 'I is dead, says he. 'You's a long time makin' up your min' 'bout it, says de bar. 'How long you been dead? 'Sence day 'fore yestidday, says the 'possum. 'All right! says de bar, 'when dey've on'y been dead two or free days, an' kin talk, I eats 'em all de same. An' he eat him up."

When the two were mounted, the son of the hunchback gained a more intimate knowledge of actual conditions than he had been able to glean at home. "Ther upshot of ther matter's this, Pete," declared Bas, earnestly. "Sam Opdyke lef' thet meetin' yestidday with his mind made up ter slay this man Thornton an' ther way things hev shaped up now, hit won't no fashion do.

I staked those claims for Miss Gale, and I'll deed them to her when she turns eighteen." Poleon Doret called to Runnion: "M'sieu, you 'member w'at I tol' you yestidday? I'm begin for t'ink it's goin' be you." The man paled in his anger, but said nothing. Necia clapped her hands gleefully.

Maybe only yestidday he passed 'em by or even drove 'em away from food; but somethin' strange is in 'em now, somethin' strange that happened in the night. So he gives a jump at 'em, jest like a spring he didn't know was in his legs had been let loose; 'n' she laughs 'n' flies away, I've seen it happen 'most a thousand times. From tree ter tree, from bush ter bush, he follers. He stops; she stops.

"Here, you, Curly!" he shouted. "What's all this about?" Curly, after a swift dash up the street, was now spurring back madly, his hat swinging in the air, himself crazed as the others. "He's in!" he yelled. "We done it!" "Who's in? What've you done?" "Dan Anderson nomernated him for Congress day 'fore yestidday, over to Cruces.

The grievance he paraded had become his own, and the nature Bas had picked for such a purpose was not an April spirit to smile in sunlight twenty-four hours after it had fulminated in storm. Opdyke gazed glumly at his visitor, as he listened, then he lied fluently in response. "All right. I had my say yestidday an' now I'm done.