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"Because I was left for dead, and mine were stolen. I had to wear something. The Confederates don't wear blue trousers like these." "Dat's so; an' I knows yer by yer talk and look. I knows a 'Federate well as I does a coon. But dese yere's mighty ticklish times; an' a nigger hab no show ef he's foun' meddlin'. What's yer gwine ter do?" "Perhaps you can advise me.

It plays all right, only every now an' then thar's a hole into the melody like it's lost a tooth. "'This yere's good enough for a dog! says Dave, a-twistin' away on the handle. 'Where's this yere Merino? Whatever is the matter with that shorthorn? Why don't he stand his hand?

"If you like Mr. John G. Whittier's poetry, why did you say he wasn't any good?" "Policy, policy, my little man. This yere's a pro-slavery guv'ment, and this yere is a pro-slavery post. I couldn't keep this place one single day if they thought I was a free-State man. See? But I tell you right here, and don't you fergit it, this yere country is going to be free State.

"'What sort of a game is this, anyhow? says Dan Boggs, who, while we stands thar, has been pawin' over the Red Dog man's rifle. 'Looks like this vivacious party's plumb locoed. Yere's his hind-sights wedged up for a thousand yards, an' he's been a-shootin' of cartridges with a hundred an' twenty grains of powder into 'em.

He stopped suddenly, and stared at her; but before I could turn about in my chair one of the great dogs began to growl savagely, and Maria sprang forward and cuffed the surly brutes into rebellious silence. "It's hosses," she said harshly. "Likely as not it's Red's gang. Now, Jed Bungay, yere's two lovely females fer ye ter pertect."

Yere, yo' ki-yi, yo' bettah mek friends with ol' Cookie, 'cause he got charge o' de grub. Yere's a li'le fat ma'ow bone what mebbe come off'n yo' own grandchile, but yo' ain' goin' to mind dat now yo' is trans formulated dis yere way." And evidently the reincarnated ghost-pig did not. With the midday reunion my hour of distinction arrived.

This yere's before Doc Peets inhabits Wolfville or he'd informed us touchin' this party's that a-way. "Which the Yallerhouse gent tracks along into the Red Light, an' tells the barkeep to set out the nose-paint. He drinks alone, not invitin' of the pop'lace, whereby we knows for shore he's offen his feed.

"The rest of us who's been buckin' the game moderate an' right cashes in at this, an' leaves an onobstructed cloth to the Stingin' Lizard. This yere's more caution than good nacher. As long as folks is bettin' along in limits, say onder fifty dollars, thar ain't no shootin' likely to ensoo.

"'Shore enough he's got one Injun spread out; an', comin' along a little, Jack Moore turns up a second. "'Yere's another, says Jack, 'which breaks even on the bullet in Texas. "'That's right, says Cherokee, 'I remembers now than is two. The kyards is comin' some Tast, an' I overlooks a bet. "We-alls gets Cherokee in all right, an' next day 'round comes the female tenderfoot to see him.

"Thar comes a day when Old Man Enright heads into the Red Light, where we-all is discussin' of eepisodes, an' he packs a letter in his hand. "'Yere's a matter, he says, 'of public concern, an' I asks for a full expression of the camp for answer.