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Willingly therefore, and wholly surrender up thyself unto that fatal concatenation, yielding up thyself unto the fates, to be disposed of at their pleasure. XXIX. Whatsoever is now present, and from day to day hath its existence; all objects of memories, and the minds and memories themselves, incessantly consider, all things that are, have their being by change and alteration.

XXIX. Metellus himsalf was unmoved from his purpose and still bold, but seeing that his partizans were struck with great terror at Cato, and considered him invincible and that it was impossible to overpower him, he suddenly hurried out to the Forum, and assembling the people he said many things calculated to bring odium on Cato, and crying out that he was flying from his tyranny and the conspiracy against Pompeius, for which the city would speedily repent and for their disgracing so great a man, he forthwith set out to Asia to lay all these charges before Pompeius.

May He grant I may not by my own fault lose mercies so great, and may He have compassion on me! Inner Fortress, iv. ch. iii. See Life, ch. xvii. section 5. Compare Life, ch. xxiv. section 4. See Life, ch. xx. section 23. "Arrobamiento y arrebatamiento." See Life, chs. xx. and xxi. Life, ch. xx. section 16; Inner Fortress, vi. c. xi. See Life, ch. xxix. section 17. See Life, ch. xvii. section 9.

XXIX. The worst condition of things sometimes results from a confusion of those factious tyrannies into which kings, aristocrats, and democrats are apt to degenerate. And wonderful indeed are the revolutions and periodical returns in natural constitutions of such alternations and vicissitudes, which it is the part of the wise politician to investigate with the closest attention.

It seems to be commanding an impossibility to say to a weak creature like any one of us, 'Be strong, but the impossible becomes a possibility when the exhortation takes the full Christian form: 'Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. 'The times that went over him. 1 CHRON. xxix. 30. This is a fragment from the chronicler's close of his life of King David.

XXIX. When the Aduatuci, of whom we have written above, were coming with all their forces to the assistance of the Nervii, upon this battle being reported to them, they returned home after they were on the march; deserting all their towns and forts, they conveyed together all their possessions into one town, eminently fortified by nature.

And as I pass into quieter places for the last sign of France on the sky-line, I see the Lion of Belfort stand at bay, the last sight of that great people which has never been at peace. XXIX. Humanity: an Interlude Except for some fine works of art, which seem to be there by accident, the City of Brussels is like a bad Paris, a Paris with everything noble cut out, and everything nasty left in.

A very good source for the development of Negro education both in this country and Liberia. Some of its most valuable articles are: "Learn Trades or Starve," by Frederick Douglass, vol. xxix., pp. 136 and 137. Taken from Frederick Douglass's Paper. "Education of the Colored People," by a highly respectable gentleman of the South, vol. xxx., pp. 194,195, and 196.

Take away, O Lord, from our hearts all suspicion, indignation, anger, and contention, and whatsoever is able to injure charity and diminish brotherly love. Have mercy, have mercy, Lord, on those who entreat Thy mercy; give grace to the needy; and make us such that we may be worthy to enjoy Thy grace, and go forward to the life eternal. Amen. 1 Chronicles xxix. 11. 1 Chronicles xxix. 17.

The deceiver deceiveth the deceiver, the vain man the vain, the blind man the blind, the weak man the weak, when they exalt one another; and in truth they rather put to shame, while they foolishly praise. For as humble St. Francis saith, "What each one is in Thine eyes, so much he is, and no more." Psalm lxxxviii. 15. Job xxix. 3. Psalm xvii. 8. Psalm cxix. 71. Job xiii. 2.