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When Joseph Finsbury and his brother Masterman were little lads in white-frilled trousers, their father a well-to-do merchant in Cheapside caused them to join a small but rich tontine of seven-and-thirty lives.

He could just see the edge of her white-frilled drawers. He wanted, above all things, to take her in his arms, to have something against which to hide his face. Yet he was afraid. Often, when all the world was hostile, he had found her full of love, he had hidden his face against her, she had gone to sleep in his arms, she had been like a piece of apple-blossom in his arms.

Jane Macalister was always spoken to in this correct fashion during school hours. "I say, there's a visitor!" burst from the eager lips of the little boy. He started to his feet as he spoke, upsetting the ink-pot over his own copybook and also over Kitty's white-frilled pinafore. "Boris, you are incorrigible!" exclaimed Jane.

It was just such a room as a young girl fancies, with a dainty white bed, white curtains at the window, a white-frilled toilet-table, and on the toilet-table a smart blue pincushion, with "Welcome" stuck upon it in shining pins.

Ryan's white-frilled flapping cap, which she said was bein' fluttered to destruction off her ould head, and Hugh McInerney's many-rifted caubeen, for he declared that until the flurry of the blast went down a bit you might as well be lettin' on to thatch the sails whirlin' of a win'mill.

At all events, on the morning after her arrival she appeared, coming through the hedge, down the garden path and across the lawn, a fresh and attractive figure in a pink muslin with ruffles, and one of those coquettish, white-frilled sunbonnets summer-girls wear in the country. Dahlia is very pretty, very good company, and likable from many points of view. If only

She stood near and yet aloof, a lovely little flower of a girl, all white-scalloped frills and ribbons, with a big white-frilled hat shading a pale little face and covering the top of a head decorated with wonderful yellow curls. She stood behind a big baby-carriage with a pink-lined muslin canopy and containing a nest of pink and white, but an empty nest.

When Joseph Finsbury and his brother Masterman were little lads in white-frilled trousers, their father a well-to-do merchant in Cheapside caused them to join a small but rich tontine of seven-and-thirty lives.

Before the post-office door a smart little victoria, with a pair of sprightly, fine-limbed French bays, was drawn up, ducal coronets emblazoned on its panels. Peter's heart began to beat. And while he was hesitating on the doorstep, the door opened, and the Duchessa came forth tall, sumptuous, in white, with a wonderful black-plumed hat, and a wonderful white-frilled sunshade.

"Ye-e-e-s you could!" came in a chorus of jeers from the fence top, and a brown-eyed youth in a white-frilled shirt, with a blue Windsor tie knotted under his sailor collar, added imperiously, "You get too fresh down there, and I'll call the janitor!" This gross breach of military etiquette evoked a retort from Nance that was too inelegant to chronicle.