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"See that it's done at once, please. Tell Constable Roberts to come along with a couple of his men. Very decent of these chaps to give you a hand, Mr. Lake. That's your man, Dollops, isn't it, Headland? Well, hadn't he better take 'em downstairs and give 'em a stiff whisky-and-soda? I expect the poor beggars have need of it." Cleek held up a silencing hand. "No," he said, firmly.

"And how is jolly old Blighty?" remarked the Adjutant. "Thank Heaven! leave approaches." "About the same." Jesson helped himself to a whisky-and-soda. "Darker than ever, and taxis an impossibility. Still I dare say I shall be glad enough to go back when my first leave comes due," he added with a laugh. "Is this your first time out?" asked Staunton. "Yes."

Smith," he said; "therefore I suggest whisky-and-soda or you might prefer tea, as it is nearly tea-time?" Smith and I chose the former refreshment, and the soft-footed half-breed having departed upon his errand, my companion, leaning forward earnestly across the littered table, outlined for Van Roon the story of Dr.

You don't mean to say you're jealous of Strickland?" I almost laughed. "You know very well that she can't bear the sight of him." "You don't understand," he moaned. "You're an hysterical ass," I said a little impatiently. "Let me give you a whisky-and-soda, and you'll feel better."

He and you are there in your comfortable arm-chairs, with a good cigar, a whisky-and-soda, or a glass of that old port on which he prides himself, and that is all that is necessary. Where is the need of words? And occasionally, we have, as third in those evening conclaves, a big slow-smiling, broad-faced young merchant, of the same kidney.

"It is said that during those years the mistress never left the garden, except to plunge into the lake on moonlight nights and swim through the silver with her lover." Carey was silent. He did not take his eyes from the photograph, which seemed to fascinate him. When the servant came in with the whisky-and-soda he started. "Not a place to be alone in," he said.

Baram Singh replied that he had brought an ash-tray for the Sahib, and he placed it on the round table by Thresk's side. "Well, get out and don't come back until you are called," cried Ballantyne roughly, and in evident relief as Baram Singh once more retired he took a long draught from a fresh tumbler of whisky-and-soda which stood on the flap of the bureau beside him.

No doubt the very stiff whisky-and-soda Arabian had just drunk had made it more obvious. Anyhow, Sir Seymour had no doubt at all about it now. It was not noticeable in Arabian's face. But his manner began to show it to the experienced eyes of the old campaigner. "But, please, do you understand my feeling? Would you like to be made what you are not a beast?"

Bullsom mixed himself a whisky-and-soda, and stood for a few minutes on the hearthrug before retiring. "You're not up to the mark, Brooks, my boy," he said, kindly. Brooks shrugged his shoulders. "I am about as usual," he answered. Mr. Bullsom set down his glass.

Long before the cab reached the Albany the frown was back on his face. Arriving at the Albany, he found Freddie Rooke lying on his spine in a deep arm-chair. His slippered feet were on the mantelpiece, and he was restoring his wasted tissues with a strong whisky-and-soda. One of the cigars which Parker, the valet, had stamped with the seal of his approval was in the corner of his mouth.